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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/Oxford University Botanic Garden

Gardens of the World

Oxford University Botanic Garden

Oxford, United Kingdom

Oxford University Botanic Garden
Oxford Botanic Gardens One of the fabulous mixed borders at Oxford botanic Gardens Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm at Oxford Botanic Gardens Walled Garden - Oxford Botanic Gardens Summer Flowers at Oxford Botanic Gardens Waterlilly Pond at Oxford Botanic Gardens Oxford Botanic Walled Garden Punt hire, right alongside the glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Gardens Punting on the River at Oxford Botanic Gardens Summer Border at Oxford Botanic Gardnes Papaver orientale Turkenlouis at Oxford Botanic Gardens Merton Borders at Oxford Botanic Gardens - its all very British Merton Borders in full bloom, Oxford Botanic Gardens Merton Borders, Oxford Botanic Gardens Echinacea purpurea Magnus as seen at Oxford Botanic Gardens Merton Borders, Oxford Botanic Gardens Gateway through to the Glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Gardens Acalypha hispida as seen in the glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Gardens Colutea media Copper Beauty as seen at Oxford Botanic Gardens Waterlilly Glasshouse at Oxford Botanic Garden Thunbergia mysorensis as seen at Oxford Botanic Gardens Cactii in the glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Gardens Ferns in the glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Gardens Orchard in Lower Gardens Oxford Botanic Gardens Malus domestica Scrumptious ,from the orchards of Oxford Botanic Gardens Rhubarb forcing jars at Oxford Botanic Gardnes Pathways at Oxford Botanic Gardens Squirrel Oxford Botanic Gardens Ancient walls keep the Botanic Gardens well protected at Oxford Begonia grandis Evansii at Oxford Botanic Gardens Helianthus Capenoch Star as seen at Oxford Botanic Gardens Lavatera clementii Kew Rose as seen at Oxford Botanic Gardens

Britain's oldest Botanic Garden was founded in 1621 in Oxford, opposite Magdalene College, in order to study medicinal plants within a controlled environment. 

Now, 400 years later it joins the many other great educational institutions that make modern Oxford the ultimate seat of learning.

But it is by no means stuffy and crusty, Oxford Botanic Gardens is a wonderful and refreshing place to visit, combining botanical interest with a beautiful and engaging setting right in the middle of the city.

Oxford Botanic Gardens Wildflower Meadow
Oxford Botanic Gardens Wildflower Meadow

The gardens are made up of three distinct areas - The Walled Garden, The Lower Gardens and The Glasshouses.

The Walled Gardens: Surrounded by high, capped, ancient stone walls, this scientific enclave presents plants in beds by family or location of origin. 

But it is not just for the academic, being superbly maintained with lush grass areas dotted with mature trees and shrubs, all focussed toward the central pond and fountain. 

There is a distinct and relaxing atmosphere here as you wander the long, straight, gravel pathways contemplating the wonders of nature, as if in a monastic cloister.

Oxford Botanic Gardens - Walled Garden
Oxford Botanic Gardens - Walled Garden

The Lower Gardens: Passing through the wall archways the mood changes to a more open and bright informality dominated in summer by the Merton borders that erupt in a riot of colour and texture to celebrate the diversity of self-seeded, wild meadowlands. 

These are also experiments in preparing for a warmer and dryer planet as well as more sustainable horticulture for the future.

Alongside are extensive plantings of fruit, especially apples and pears, a rock garden, lush and beautiful ornamental borders, a water garden and of course the ever picturesque River Cherwell where tourists attempt to punt casually upstream, downstream and sideways too.

And the mixed borders are amongst the best I have ever seen anywhere - so that's quite an accolade.

Oxford Botanic Gardens - mixed borders
Oxford Botanic Gardens - mixed borders

The Glasshouses: The oldest is over 300 years old and together with six other structures, present a variety of climates and 1,200 different exotic plants - again, all maintained in excellent condition.

Oxford Botanic Gardens - Thunbergia mysorensis
Oxford Botanic Gardens - Thunbergia mysorensis

From carnivorous plants, exotic pitcher plants, giant water lilies, stunning orchids and Helliconia through to cactii, ferns and Agave, these glasshouses will provide interest and delight to so many visitors throughout the year. And of course its a lovely place to retreat to on cold, winter days.

Oxford Botanic Gardens - glasshouses
Oxford Botanic Gardens - glasshouses

Some believe that Botanic Gardens are just for botanical nerds, but although this reviewer does fall into this category I do believe that Gardens such as this one can be a place to just beneficially commune with nature.

You don't have to know a single plant or read a single plant label. 

It is the riot of diversity, a tapestry of colour and texture and of course the wonderfully relaxing vibe that make this such a lovely place to spend the best part of a day when visiting Oxford.

Oxford Botanic Gardens
Oxford Botanic Gardens

P.S. As part of Oxford botanic Gardens there is also the Harcourt Arboretum located six miles south of Oxford at Nuneham Courtenay which comprises 130 acres of ancient and modern tree plantings and feature the oldest Redwood in the UK along with delightful bluebell woods, Rhododendron and wildflower meadows. 


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Getting there

Easy to find in the centre of Oxford.

There is no car park though - closest is St Clement's car Park


Rose Lane,, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 4AZ, United Kingdom

Open times

Open every day from 10am to 4pm


Shop: Botanic Garden Boutique

Restaurant: No - but you can bring a picnic.  There are plenty of cafes very close-by.

Pop-Up Kiosk/Cafe: in the warmer months

Entry fees

  • Adult - £6.30
  • Concession / Student  £5.00
  • Concession Alumni - £5.00
  • Concession Over 65 - £5.00
  • Disabled OR Carer - £0.00

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