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Pests stripping leaves of trees Category:PestsTopic:Leaf eating pests on trees Hi, this is the second year of something eat the leaves of a plum tree. It moved onto the cherry tree this year and now a couple of exotic trees, a birch and a tree that has elm like leaves. It has virtually stripped the plum and cherry. I noticed tiny transparent lavae underneath the leaves. See photo. By:Wakefield gardens03/04/2022 Replies:1 Latest:07/04/2022 Small white jumping mites all over soil Category:PestsTopic:White small jumping Mites Just looked closely near my carrots and discovered loads of little walking jumping bugs that are tiny as. Anyone know what it may be? And solutions if to get rid of them if they are harmful? By:JustStartinOut16/03/2022 Sick Photinia Sick Photinia Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying New growth on photinia tree/hedge is losing colour. This is then spreading to the whole tree and killing it. Trees are in a well drained area and have been established for a long time. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you By:Tracey13/03/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Diseased mop top tree Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Scale infested mop top tree I have treated my mop top for scale before some years ago and have just returned to the house after it was rented. I have cut a lot of the dead branches off. I am on South Australia, do I cut the thicker branches off and spray with scale spray to let the tree start again in spring with new branches? By:Allison12/03/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Purple-ish stems Purple-ish stems Category:What is this?Topic:Weed identification Hi, I'm trying to work out what THIS pesky thing is that keeps taking over my 'garden'. Does anyone know what it is? And how best to get rid of it? I plan to put weed matting down on the tiers that are hidden underneath it... By:Sticknstuff06/03/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Dead Lawn Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please 3 Following the recent heavy rain in NSW our lawn has suddenly died. Could this be due to poor drainage as we notice water is pooling on the surface. Before we invest in drainage, are there any other causes of sudden lawn death, if so what can we do to improve the situation, thank you. By:Fergus06/03/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Syzygium in pots Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Syzygium - Lilly Pilly hi, i found a syzygium australe in a smaller pot in my garden. My mother in law had plans for it. I was wondering if I could use it as a bit of a privacy barrier because our garden is exposed. Is it possible to grow it to 4m in a pot? What size pot? How long would it take to get to get to 3m please? It is currently 1m high. Thank you. David. By:David Thomas27/02/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Gerbera flowers sad Gerbera flowers sad Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Sick plants My Gerbera flowers have been blooming well but one of them one day came out a bit distorted, looked like it never fully bloomed, the rest were happy and healthy, but now it’s happening to a few others and I am concerned as I cannot find an explanation for the flowers being under developed and still a bit green. The initial plant I have noticed looked like it’s a bit stained under some Leaves but not all, The second plant is normal in the leaves colour but two new leaf shoots are staying a bit curled as in the image. The third plant is also a bit stained like bore water underneath some of the leaves but not all of them I cannot find any image online to match my Flowers and they’re looking pretty sad ?? By:FoordsFlowers26/02/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Advice on Lily Pilly Category:Australian NativesTopic:Hedges My friend is growing a Lily Pilly hedge, mine grew tall and thick. However hers had grown tall but very thin foliage. Any suggestions would be appreciated. By:AussieGarden20/02/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Really struggling with this weed. Any advice please? Really struggling with this weed. Any advice please? Category:WeedingTopic:Weeding Hey everyone. I’m really struggling with this weed! I dug it all out and covered with thick mulch just to find it creeping through again :( Any advice would be hugely appreciated! Thanks, Andy. By:Andy’s Gardening01/02/2022 Replies:1 Latest:02/02/2022 Fig tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I’ve moved into rental with a fig tree and I would like to pick the figs to eat but there are these bumps all over the leaves and even on a lot of the fruit. Can it be washed off or is it some disease so fruit should not be eaten By:Sabs31/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:14/03/2022 Aphids on Hibiscus Aphids on Hibiscus Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests What's this white stuff all over my Hibiscus (primarily the Pink Hibiscus) I have sprayed today with Pyrethrum. Not sure if this is the best chioce. By:Bill30/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:31/01/2022 Growing ginger Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please This is our first ginger growing adventure. Our edible ginger plants have been growing about 3 months. Some are over 6 feet tall. But they only have roots with no sign of the usual rhizome developing. Does it take much longer for ginger roots to develop into rhizomes? By:Indiadream29/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:16/02/2022 Woody Pittosporums Category:HedgesTopic:Pittosporum Hi, I’ve been growing 3 pittosporums in 60cm pots and they’ve become rather woody in the lower half. I’m about to transplant them into the garden to form a hedge. With proper care can I expect the woody half to sprout new shoots and thicken up or is it a lost cause? By:Matt27/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:03/02/2022 Testing Soil Quality Category:SoilTopic:Preparing soil for plants Hi, we have an above-ground vegetable garden built by the previous owners. When we bought the house 1 year ago, the vegetables were growing well. We tried running greywater but my wife forgot and stain remover ended up in the soil, which killed some of the plants. Since then, plants haven't grown very well at all - although I tested the pH a while back, and it seemed fine. We now want to dismantle the garden bed and relocate the soil, but we're not sure if it is any good. As I've been digging down through it (the bed is almost 1 metre deep) its clear that there have ben many generations of gardens there, with different soils added. Also many roots coming up, we suspect from a nearby Celtis tree. The borders of the garden bed are lined with weed mat which lets some water through, but around the edges the soil has a white substance caking it - which I think maybe greywater contamination. Long story short - what tests can we do to see if this soil is good for using elsewhere (for shrubs etc). Is there a danger that the soil will 'poison' whereever we put it? I am new to gardening and know very little about soil contamination. By:kman4215/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:15/01/2022 Cats in Veggie Beds Category:Veggie PestsTopic: How do I keep a cat out my seedlings in my vegie patch? By:Paul Braithwaite14/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:02/02/2022 Tree ID please Tree ID please Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please Hi Garden Forum, Please help Would you know what the name of this tree is? Regards, Martin By:Martin14/01/2022 Replies:2 Latest:16/02/2022 What fruit tree is this? What fruit tree is this? Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi All. I bought this tree from bunnings couple of years ago. The tree has now grown and it has some fruits coming as per the photos. The tree sheds it leaves during winter and in spring for a short period it had beautiful pink flowers. What tree is this? Is the fruit edible? If yes, when should i harvest? Thanks. By:vish14/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:01/02/2022 Anybody know this plant? Anybody know this plant? Category:What is this?Topic:Edible plant Friend planted this from seed, it was supposed to be something edible. Any help identifying it would be greatly appreciated, thanks. By:hello.there09/01/2022 What’s Eating my Lemon Tree Leaves What’s Eating my Lemon Tree Leaves Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree Hello fellow gardeners Is anybody able to help me to identify what’s eating my lemon tree leaves? I cut the tree right back and now whenever I get new succulent leaves something is eating them. I have searched the plant for caterpillars hopefully can’t find any. I have lucerne straw down and wondered whether something may be living in there. I live inner city and so wondering if it’s vermin or insects. I have bought some netting that I will install once I purchase some stakes. Cheers Karen By:Karen06/01/2022 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 Jacaranda not happy Jacaranda not happy Category:Trees - non nativeTopic: To my embarrassment after spending lots of time preparing the poor 'soil' at our house in Mooloolaba QLD, the Jacaranda tree I planted many months ago is still not flourishing! Our block is very sandy / clayey with not much organic matter. I think the hole I dug was big enough & I used plenty of Garden Mate before & after planting. I backfilled with nursery recommended garden soil improver / compost. It's lost all it's lower branches & I'm now thinking I should cut it back to hopefully encourage new growth or else it may be doomed to fail. My thoughts are that it's a risk worth taking because it will probably never come good? If I cut it back, how much should I take off - 1/3? 1/2? 2/3? Thank You By:Katie Thompson27/12/2021 Replies:2 Latest:09/01/2022 Black Egg ID Category:PestsTopic:Black egg or seed ID Trying to ID this dark brown spots. They are not scale. They look like seeds with tiny webs or white strands coming from them which appears to stick them to the plants. At first I thought eggs, but maybe seeds or offshoots of some sort of artillery fungus? Help please :) By:cassowaryclayton22/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 What insect is this What insect is this Category:PestsTopic: What is this insect on my lemon tree's new growth? An Aphid? By:James21/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 Passion fruit vine not healthy Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please Hi, a lot of my passion fruits are falling off the vine still green and the ones that are ripe seem to have cracks/lines in them. Any advice for what is wrong with my vine? Thanks By:DeanS20/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 Advise Plz!! Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please Hi i would love some professional advise on my beloved sago, it has just been through a growth cycle in Western Australia and still looks quite healthy but as you can see in the photos for some reason the new foliage seems to going crispy in texture and brown in colour from the base of the leaf, do you have any idea. What could be causing this? By:Sam18/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 What lawn species is this? Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Living in Canberra, I've got some bindies to deweed and purchased some Brunnings Feed and Weed. However, it's not advisable to use on buffalo grass so would appreciate any advice on what I'm working with here By:groggsman17/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/01/2022 Why has my hibiscus stopped flowering? Why has my hibiscus stopped flowering? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers We have a beautiful Hibiscus Sinensis that we planted last year and it began flowering immediately. It's now more than a metre high, very healthy, lush foliage, covered in buds - but none of them are opening. Even the ones that start to show some colour suddenly drop. We've checked inside the buds and all over the plant - no bugs. The hibiscus is in full sun. We've sprayed it with some Seasol and it's regularly watered by a micro-irrigation system. Would welcome any advice. By:MelB09/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/12/2021 Growing media Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi, I'm propagating a lot of trees like Liquidambar, Japanese Maples, Bald Cypress, Pin, English and Cork Oaks but am having to liquid fertilize a lot. I'm using Searles premium potting mix and Seasol powerfeed. Rather than this could I supplement the Searles with compost or composted manure? Say 1/5 to 1/3 depending on the species requirements? I'm not a perfectionist just need something a bit richer with better moisture retention. Thanks for any help. By:Heathcliff08/12/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/12/2021 New message Category:Topic: please advise how to grow new shoots from the Durante Sheena Rippen Gold trunk . ? I have tried crafting but it has not worked much appreciated . By:Jent23/11/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/12/2021 Earwigs Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 We need some advice on earwig control. At the moment we have traps set and a couple of different sprays which say they kill earwigs but i think it just acts as a cologne for them now. We have reduced the damage to all our seedlings and adult plants a bit but it doesn't seem like we are winning the battle and we want to win this battle. Has anybody got success with anything on the market which we haven't found yet or any different advice. Thanks all. By:Clint19/11/2021 Replies:1 Latest:21/11/2021 Flower Flower Category:What is this?Topic:Flower/plant Pic on the left is in Ultra violet By:CraigL15/11/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/12/2021 Large Staghorn looking sad Large Staghorn looking sad Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please Hi guys, Im the owner of a large staghorn that is starting to look rather sad and Im struggling to find information on how to help it start to get better. It sees to be falling away from the board it is mounted to and I plan on remounting it on a Piece of 18mm Plywood but Im unsure how to go about this. It also has alot of dead foliage in the top and Im wondering if I should trim these when I remount it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Morgan By:Morgan King15/11/2021 Replies:1 Latest:21/11/2021 Chinese Elm suckers Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Twenty year old Chinese Elm is the highlight of my garden, but has begun sending suckers up from the roots. Not sure if I can use herbicide like Zero on them, as afraid of it travelling back to the parent and killing it. By:Kmart6030/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/12/2021 dimpled lemons Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon Hi, I have a 2 year old Lots a Lemons that is producing fruit for the first time. Half the fruit looks fine, half is dimpled. Is this something that I should be concerned about? Thanks, Terry By:TD1126/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 Hebe leaves going brown, generally a bit unhealthy looking Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Sick plants Hi folks, we have lovely Hebe shrubs under our back patio. Some are in full sunlight, some have half the plant in shade, half in sun. As it gets further in summer more of the plant gets exposed to sun. The ones mostly in shade tend to get yellow leaves which turn brown and drop off or I pull them off. Rather than being a lustrous green in foliage in parts they just look a bit sad. The soil around their roots is very firm. We’ve had plenty of rain recently so I wonder if they’re overwatered, but the soil feels very hard and I can’t tell how wet underneath. They seem to flower very well in Summer and some in full sun are already flowering now, I’d just like the foliage to look healthier. We’re in Reynella, SA. By:LukeReynella23/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 What is causing the black on the leaves? What is causing the black on the leaves? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi, Can anyone please help.... the cause and treatment of the black on the leaves? Thanks for any advice!! Andrew By:andyduffy13/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:14/10/2021 Termite resistant wood chip Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please Hi I would like to lay some turf , make some paths to chicken run, two raised garden beds and two fruit tress. Is wood chips good for paths? and good at keeping weeds at bay?. Would the wood chips harm the fruit trees one peach and one orange. I do not want to encourage termites.What is a good wood chip to use? I don't want to use pebbles or stones. Thankyou. By:Gary13/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/10/2021 Garden Bed Category:SoilTopic:Preparing soil for plants Hi I need advice. I have just had 11sqm of concrete pathway 4inches thick removed from my backyard which will now become a garden bed. Below the concrete is about 3 inches thick of sand before reaching clay soil. How should I prepare the soil for plants? Originally I was going to lay about 4inches thick of chip bark mulch and leave till next spring before planting. What do you recommend? Appreciate advice as am new gardener and want to ensure the soil is well prepared for my plants. Kind regards Kelly By:Kellylex08/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/10/2021 Sick creeper? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Dear garden braintrust For years we have had this lush and healthy creeper (don’t know the name as it came with the house when we bought to 7 yrs ago) on the corner of our house. All of a sudden it seems to have started to wither with leaves initially turning a lighter pale green and eventually brown and falling off. Large areas of the plant are already completely bare. Any ideas/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks By:cschley07/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/10/2021 Lilly Pilly New Growth Wilting Category:Australian NativesTopic:Lilly Pilly Big Red Hi, I am hoping for some help with my lilly pillies. I have 2 Big Reds which have been thriving since I planted them, but over the last few weeks (since the weather has warmed up), all the new growth that comes through seems to get to a certain point and then wilt and die off as shown in the picture. Could this be a watering issue or something else? How often should I be watering the trees? They are in full sun and have been there for about a year, in this time they've grown about 1.5m. I would really appreciate any help as I'm relying on this season's growth to provide some privacy from my neighbours. Thanks! By:CaitlynB1306/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/10/2021 Avocado tree losing leaves Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Hi all, I have an avocardo tree in a pot which is two years old. This spring here in Adelaide, I've noticed as the new leaves come on, all the old leaves are drooping and getting blacks spots on the top side of the leaves. They are then falling off. The new leaves are fine it is just happening to the old leaves. Refer to photos. I have seen some weird black and white bugs on the under side of a few leaves but not many. Refer to photos. I have looked up all the common issues with avocardo trees and this problem doesn't match anything. I'm at my whits end. Can anyone provide some advice as to what's going on? By:Sheds14104/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 Malleable Creeper Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Growing Conditions Thanks so much for taking the time to read! We are currently planning our build and we have ALWAYS been obsessed with buildings covered in vines or creepers! Our building material is Hemp Crete (non negotiable) so we need to re-render the walls every 7 years, thus, we need to be able to get behind the creeper somehow! We were thinking of constructing a series of 1-2 metre mesh, or steel grates that will sit in front of the walls leaving about 5-10 cm's between wall and grate! Alternatively are there creepers that would keep well in pots to these sizes that could be suspended onto the grate/mesh and then could open out like a gate for even easier access to be able to render the wall and no need to worry about bending the stem/trunk! Any suggestions for how to make this whole thing easier would be wonderful as we really want to make our creeper dreams come true just dont know how! Then when it comes time to re-render the wall we would "unhook" the top of this grate and lean it 30-40% on a ladder or something and render behind!. I would love any suggestions for vines with trunks that are not too rigid and would take the sudden tilt forward. - by the way this plan is not set in stone its just the only way we can think of making this dream happen! The other idea we had was putting the creepers in pots (attached to the grate) and then swing the grates open like doors making the wall behind even easier to access. But do creepers do well in pots? Would we need to somehow get at the roots every few years or ? Something suitable to North facing, 5-6 frosts per year, all day sun apart from late afternoon! Any help very very much appreciated as we would love to make our creeper dreams come true! Id love to avoid the pot scenario as I dont think they would look as nice aestheticly Renee and Jamie By:ReneeRenee03/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 Plant Newbie - can this shrub be saved? Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Sick plants Hello We purchased a house earlier this year with beautiful plants lovingly cared for by the previous owners. We have never had a garden so have been remiss in the care of this new one. We have these lovely shrubs which now looks like they're drying out and dying, we have been watering them but they don't look to be recovering. Any tips on how we can save them? Or should we call it and replace them? Thank you! By:VickyN02/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 Plant care Plant care Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Hello We purchased a house earlier this year with beautiful plants lovingly cared for by the previous owners. We have never had a garden so have been remiss in the care of this new one. We have these lovely shrubs which now looks like they're drying out and dying, we have been watering them but they don't look to be recovering. Any tips on how we can save them? Or should we call it and replace them? Thank you! By:Vicky02/10/2021 Replies:1 Latest:14/10/2021 Fungus on stem of swamp banksia Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please how to control? thanks By:happy_novice30/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:15/10/2021 Grevillea Robusta is leaning. Category:Australian NativesTopic:Grevillea Robusta I have a 40 year old Grevillea Robusta in my backyard with a pronounced lean. It has large exposed roots. Would it make sense to cover the exposed roots with earth to stabilise it? By:spectator30/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/10/2021 Golden Elm planting Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please My partner planted our Golden Elm trees 5m apart along our fence line. I feel they are to close as they can grow quite wide. I am wondering if we should leave them or replant? What happens if we leave them.. will they get tangled? New here to planting trees! By:Tassiegardener28/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 My established wisteria is not flowering? Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants Mt established Wisteria is not flowering like it normally does. it only has one or two off shoots that have flowered. i did not prune it during last summer or winter. it is on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. concerned it may be dead/dying. is it too late to prune? should i feed it? By:Sadwisteria28/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:29/10/2021 Please identify Green Caterpillar Please identify Green Caterpillar Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic: I found the pest that has been eating my Eumundi quandong Tree. It's a green catepillar and it leaves droppings all over my back deck. I found this (picture attached) when pruning the tree that hangs over the deck.. By:KIm Foran25/09/2021 whats wrong with by Lilly Pilly whats wrong with by Lilly Pilly Category:Australian NativesTopic: I have a 2 newly planted from pot Lilly pilly sublime trees that are not doing well. One in particular is very dried out with dull leaves that are dry and falling and some burnt tips. I have watered in, applied seasol to roots and on top and general fertiliser when planting. It gets full sun a few hours a day and partial sun rest of day. I have another 5 plants planted at same time doing great so not sure about these two. Could nearby gum tree or teddy bear magnolia be sucking soil nutrients? Please advise I do not want to overwater and drown roots as I’ve read it is a hardy drought resistant plant. By:Luiza24/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:14/10/2021 What's destroying my climbing rose? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hello. Since coming into new spring growth, my climbing rose has been progressively stripped clean of every new shoot and leaf. The damage occurs at night but not every night. As soon as more new growth starts to appear, the predator is back to strip it off. I thought it was a possum (very active in my neighbourhood) but there is not a single poo pellet anywhere near the rose. No animal droppings at all. Repellent sprays and netting over the rose didn't help. I'm stumped. Please advise. Thanks, Babs By:Babs15/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:21/09/2021 Best spray for orchid bugs Category:OrchidsTopic:Advice please Hello All, New to the forum. Wife grows orchids and we have noticed that the leaves are all turning brown at the edges. Can someone tell me what it is and is there a safe way of fixing the problem. Phil. By:Crangam15/09/2021 Weed in Lawn - What is it? Weed in Lawn - What is it? Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic: Hi Webmaster, I have quite a bit of these weed in my lawn. It is not the broad leaf ones, so the weed killer doesn't work. I tried pulling them off, but that's too much work. Hope you can help with some solution. Thanks Eric By:Eric10/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:14/09/2021 Red dots on Angophora costata Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please is my Angophora costata sick or dying? I have a beautiful large Angophora Costata, but I am noticing that it's leaf canopy has become quite sparse and thin and its green leaves are starting to show red coloured spots - is my tree sick or dying? If so any tips on what I can do? or is this a common thing this time of year early Sept? Appreciate your help! By:Adam06/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:07/09/2021 Birds nest fern browning at the edge of the leaves Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Sick plants I am in Melbourne and I have this large birds nest fern which has been in the same pot in the same spot for about ten years and normally thrives. Early this winter the leaves started turning brown from the edges in, and now it looks like this. My partner had fed it with worm juice from the worm farm so I thought maybe it was just suffering from over fertilisation and I hoped that it would fix itself to no avail. The brown areas are dry and crispy, not soggy. Help please? By:annadavern04/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/09/2021 Why are my Zinnia seedlings have gone crispy on the leaves? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers I’ve recently transplanted my Zinnia seedlings and all the leaves have gone crispy. Does anyone know why? I have hardened them off also By:Miik01/09/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/09/2021 Escaped Ficus Roots Escaped Ficus Roots Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Advice please I have discovered that the reason my potted Ficus Benjamina was looking so great is that the roots had escaped out the bottom of the pot and deep into the ground. How do I cut the escaped roots without killing the plant? I want to repot it back into the same pot. Is this possible? How do I best proceed? By:RobynP23/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Can anyone shed any light on why part of my hedge is dead? Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying I noticed that a small section of my hedge seemed to die fairly quickly. I think the affected area is all stemming from one branch By:Melty22/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Convolvulus Sabatius - looking like Ash Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Groundcover Hi Folks - I'm having problems with my Convolvulus Sabatius as parts of them seem to be dying and looking like burnt ash. Up until recently they been flourishing. I've got gardenia growing next to it that seem ok. Wondering whats causing part of the plan to die off like this? Appreciate any input. I've attached a photo so you can see the effect By:Twalis18/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 What's wrong with my Kale? Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please So I transplanted my Kale plants 6 days ago from pot to raised bed and the lower leaves have turned yellow. Could this be transplant shock or something else? A bit more info on what I've done- I transplanted them, watered them in and sprayed a little Kelp for fertiliser. They are in a full sun position in a raised bed filled with clay soil (at the bottom), compost and perlite (the fine one as I bought this as an accident was meant to get medium) I also sprinkled a little bit of my power pellets into the whole bed's soil a couple days before planting into it. By:greensgreensgreens0017/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Hail damage Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please My young fruit trees suffered extensive hail damage a few months ago, the worst being My reed Avo. It's put out alot of new growth over winter and since being stripped. It is missing about 50% cambium in some places. It is possible to save this tree for the long run or do I just cut my losses? TIA for any answers. By:Jono777715/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Lilly Pilly pruning and pests Category:Australian NativesTopic:Hedges Hi! I am in need of some advice for my neglected Lilly pilly hedge. It is currently very holely and thin on the bottom, with many gaps as in pictures provided. I have already taken off atleast 30cm on top, and on sides. However, I’m wondering if anyone would advise to take more off the top which would allow further new growth below? Another 1/3 off? It already has new growth coming through in lower half. Additionally, it has white wax scale and new growth being eaten by a green grub I have seen, most likely from the Lilly pilly beetle from what I’ve read. Is pest oil and eco-neem with a bit of eco-oil the best bet to rid of these nasties? Cheers! By:Foxtrot8808/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2021 Pruning Fruit Trees Pruning Fruit Trees Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please Hello, we recently bought a house that has a large mango tree, large mulberry tree and several large paw paw trees. I am seeking advice on whether these can be pruned back to a more manageable level as all fruit is too high to pick and is just feeding the birds at the moment. The paw paws and mulberry trees both have early fruit but the mango tree does not. We are located in Lake Macquarie, NSW. Attached is a photo showing the mango tree and several paw paw trees with the mulberry tree located directly behind the mango tree. Any advice is appreciated as I am finding conflicting information on the internet. By:Jamie08/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2021 Hollow magnolia tree Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please My magnolia has never really grown taller, although it has lots of leaves and some flowers in season. We recently realised that there is a large hole (or perhaps the entire trunk is hollow) at the soil-line (see photo). What should we do? By:asialenard04/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Can I save my lemon tree Can I save my lemon tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree 2 Can I save this? Trees about 4 yrs old. Had fruit once only and very small. By:Dave B01/08/2021 Replies:1 Latest:05/08/2021 The Name Of This Plant The Name Of This Plant Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General G'day, My wife was given this plant. I would like to find the name of the plant please By:Perry28/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Geranium with faded areas Geranium with faded areas Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hello, I have a Geranium on my balcony with what looks like evidence of a pest? I have tried a natural remedy of garlic and chillie however that has not worked. I'm hoping for some suggestions? Thank you By:Benn27/07/2021 Replies:2 Latest:28/07/2021 Unhealthy Blue Watermelon Peperomia Category:Handy HintsTopic:Unhealthy Peperomia I recently bought this Blue Watermelon Peperomia and it seems very unhealthy (especially compared to those online). The leaves are curling, rigid on the edges and some have even fallen off completely. Could anyone please give me any advice to keep this beautiful plant thriving By:Steele022327/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Fiddle leaf fig looking unhealthy Fiddle leaf fig looking unhealthy Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please My fiddle leaf was doing brilliantly but now it’s leaves are all going brown. Any advice on how to fix much appreciated By:Jhpaddo26/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:27/07/2021 Black fungus or blights on foxtail palms Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please Need advice!! My foxtail palm trees have a black type fungus and black spots on the leaves and stems. I asked the nursery where I bought them but they just said it’s pretty normal. Is there a fungicide specific for palm trees or an effective fungicide for outdoor tropical plants that would work on this type of issue? Also what is the best fertiliser for tropical plants in Australia? I looked at Bunnings but I’m not sure of what type/brand to use. Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated :) By:Chris847768409/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/07/2021 Removal of Camellia Roots Removal of Camellia Roots Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi there I'm wanting to remove the raised garden bed from around my camellia tree. It's a very old tree and I’m not sure if was planted before or after the garden bed was installed. There are a lot of roots coming from the tree trunk that I would need to remove to bring it back to ground level. Does anyone know if I could safely remove or prune back any of the roots in the below picture? By:mpsl09/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/07/2021 Getting Big Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:In patio garden hervey bay Hi My fiddle fig has sprouted, split into three boughs and is about five feet tall and slender. Will it grow into tree or maybe bend over, or should I prune it by notches on the trunk. Thank you Anne Scott Ps, I think it might be the smaller version from Bunnings. By:HappyintheBay04/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/07/2021 What is wrong with these crotons please Category:What is this?Topic:Flower/plant Hi. I’m new here so please forgive me if I’ve selected the wrong categories. I have planted about 6 crotons 6 months ago. Now they are looking faded in colour and have brown papery leaves On the lower part of the plant which drop off. I’ve never grown them before- can anyone help with suggestions as to whAt the problem is please. Many thanks in advance Ps I’m trying to upload a photo from my phone but seems it won’t work? By:Hel+C02/07/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 Black soot under golden wattle Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Sick plants There is a black soot falling from our golden wattle, this has fallen onto a barbeque, the lower leaves and branches of the wattle and the paving stones beneath the tree. There does not appear to be an aphid infestation on the tree. Does anyone have any idea what this is from or how to treat it? Thanks, Edward By:pcoz29/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/08/2021 What flower is this? What flower is this? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic: Does anyone know what flower this is? Amazing colour in mid winter, I want one. By:Attilla23/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:23/06/2021 Ranunculus protection against getting eaten! Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:General Hi, I've never planted ranunculus but am looking forward to the results. What I don't want to happen is my precious plants being eaten before they bloom. Need suggestions to protect the young shoots from all invaders. Is netting the best, or wire cages. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks By:Spud23/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:23/06/2021 Passionfruit in winter Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please My Nellie Kelly Passionfruit is growing really well. We have just had it's first summer on successful fruiting and now we are in the depths of winter in Melbourne and it is still fruiting. I mean to say it has plenty of set fruit on it, as well as flowers and smaller developing fruit. My question is do I just cut this back? It isn't going to ripen before I need to cut it back at the start of spring is it? Advice please :) By:gohawks1518/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:24/06/2021 Grafted Grevillea thyrsoides planted ontop of pet Category:Australian NativesTopic:Tree selection advice I'm looking for any advice to if there may be adverse effects if I plant a grafted Grevillea thyrsoides ontop of a beloved pet By:Bex8915/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:18/06/2021 Citrus Yellowing Leaves Citrus Yellowing Leaves Category:Fruit & NutsTopic: Whats going on with my citrus tree - is it dying? What should I do? By:Frank11/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2021 Syzygium Leaf Curl Syzygium Leaf Curl Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic: Hi there, I have some otherwise very healthy Resilience lilly pillies that are recently having a problem that started with one plant, but now all 7 seem to have it. The new growth is small and completely curling in on itself. No discolouration anywhere. I can see no mealy bugs, and I can't find a solution anywhere online because every website wants to tell me that the problem is psyllids, which is not what this looks like (it is also a psyllid resistant cultivar). I really need these trees to keep growing strong as they are a privacy screen, any advice would be very much appreciated! By:Caitlyn01/06/2021 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2021 Mulberry - failure Mulberry - failure Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants I live in Warragul (Vic) and we have a mature Mulberry tree (40+ years) that fruits prodigiously, but the fruits never ripen before dropping to the ground. The tree is about 5m high, seems healthy despite masses of lichen on its branches (see photos). It gets plenty of sunshine and there's never any shortage of rain down here. Any ideas as to why the fruits don't ripen? By:Steve31/05/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/07/2021 Cypress Tree - Identification problem Cypress Tree - Identification problem Category:Trees - non nativeTopic: Hello & thank you in advance for answering my question if possible. Can someone identify my cypress trees please? I would like to replace a couple & ideally would like to purchase them from the same family but I can't identify them for certain. When we purchased them (many moons ago) they were commonly called "Limelights" however, I cannot find any referrence to this tree now. Any help you are able to give me would be much appreciated. Kinde regards - Belle By:Belle Johnson31/05/2021 Replies:1 Latest:23/06/2021 Steel Edging cut-end Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Regarding Flexible Steel Garden Edging (COR-TEN for my purpose), does cutting to a length less than the 1m standard size present any issues? Does the cut edge require a coating? By:Euan McBride13/05/2021 Replies:1 Latest:21/06/2021 Soft yard Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Advice please We live on very slight sloping 3/4 acre block. It has established lawn of approx 9 years. We have a septic system in front lawn. This appears to be working correctly and is serviced yearly. The front half has quite thick grass but the ground has become very soft to walk on to the point of leaving indents from feet and the rideon mower. The back yard which is the highest point has always been hard with much less thicker grass. It is also soft now to the point it indents also and is covered in small mud mounds from worms. We have used a rideon without a catcher and recently started using a new mower with mulcher. The front has gotten much softer over the years. Any suggestions on why our yard is getting softer. By:Sue6609/05/2021 Replies:1 Latest:21/06/2021 How likely is it a Blueberry Ash will reach 15mtres How likely is it a Blueberry Ash will reach 15mtres Category:Australian NativesTopic:Tree selection advice I’m thinking of planting a Blueberry Ash for screening. Ideally it will grow 8m H and 3m wide- give or take. But anything over 10 m would be too much. I live on the mid north coast of Nsw. The site is well drained (Rocky) and in sun 90% of the day. Every feature of the tee is ideal, except for the risk that it may grow so very tall. Any ways to ensure it stays smaller or suggestions for other trees would be very appreciated. They don’t have to be natives. Thank you so much Audrey By:Audrey02/05/2021 Replies:1 Latest:03/05/2021 What’s this please. What’s this please. Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Hi all as per the attached photo this “bug” not only grows on the fruit, but also the trunk and branches of the tree. I spray with white oil which seems to kill it, but would like to know what I’m dealing with and is the any way to completely get rid of it for good. By:Splinter30/04/2021 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2021 Discolouring of buxus hedges Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying We have uprooted and moved mature buxus hedges and replanted in-ground within a few hours. We purchased new soil to replant. It’s been 3 weeks, and I have noticed some of the colour of the whole hedge has gone a slightly discolouring from the original emerald green from the date of the replanting. I’ve been watering every day or 2. Is my hedges dying because it has been up-rooted? Am I watering too much. Or is the colouring changing notmal? How can I get it back to the green emerald colour? By:Tletran24/04/2021 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2021 What’s Messing With My Lemon Tree Leaves? Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree Leaves are curled from both sides. There are some spider webs too, but I don’t think they’re related. See images. Any treatment advice? Thanks. By:Nicko18/04/2021 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2021 Pittosporum bug problem Pittosporum bug problem Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic: Trying to identify this beetle. It's killing my Pittosporums Thank you By:David Byrne07/04/2021 Replies:1 Latest:09/06/2021 how to kill this weed without killing trees Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please Hi, we have been struggling to contain this weed around our trees- we have been trying to manually uproot with no avail. We have just planted some lilly pillys last year and dont want to damage them. By:weedhelp05/04/2021 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2021 Lilly pilly under attack!! Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests Dear garden gurus Is there someone who can help me to identify the pest in the attached photos that is quickly destrpying my Lilly Pilly hedge please? Thanks Joh By:makaplan30/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:06/04/2021 Tipuana Growth Shape Tipuana Growth Shape Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi there, would appreciate some advice on a young Tipuana (Tipu) tree. It is spreading very wide horizontally but hardly growing taller vertically. (some branches/leaves are already touching the ground.) Am new to tree growing and have no idea what to do, assuming that it needs to be pruned, etc. Any help in the right direction would be very much appreciated. By:Suzanne25/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/03/2021 Crepe Myrtle burnt leaves Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Sick plants Hi, I have a crepe myrtle in Adelaide that has some burnt leaves. I don’t think it’s a normal autumn browning. It’s not impacting the newer growth as much. Any idea what this is? I’m watering twice a week on drippers. By:Nick98725/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/03/2021 Silver birch dying branches Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please I have planted two silver birches in my front garden in sandy soil and in sunny positions. These were planted in the last six months. They have been well watered almost every day. The tree I planted first has branches dying from the bottom up. The second tree is starting to do the same. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? I live in a bayside area in Melbourne, Victoria. By:Anne21/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/03/2021 Capsicum plant growth Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please Hi, first time poster and amateur gardener. My capsicum plant only producers small sized capsicums. But more concerning, majority of the capsicums always have a type of rot on the fruit. I was thinking it could be the heat? I live in Dalby, QLD. Also is there an easy way or method to water my plants the correct amount? I generally water every morning but what is too little or too much? This might also be a reason the capsicums are rotting or small? Thanks everyone. By:mrpeanutbutter21/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:22/03/2021 Plant Identification Please Plant Identification Please Category:What is this?Topic: Hi, Apprecaite if somebody can identify the name of the plant in the attached photos? I got it as a gift as an indoor plant. The leaves started falling down and it does't look healthy overall. The photo shows the plant when I first received it about 5 weeks ago now the leaves are dark. Thank you kindly. By:Sam13/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:20/03/2021 Black sesame shaped pests under chilli leaves Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests Hi all, I have an infestation of some sort of black sesame shaped pests under chilli leaves. I suspected they were aphids of some sort, however, as I am new to this I am not sure. I am puzzled as to why they do not move about (ie they stay stationary even as I remove them with my fingers. I am used PestOil and castile soap sprays. As they don't move, or detach themselves/drop dead when I spray them, I am not sure how effective those sprays have been. Size-wise, they are around 1mm. Please let me know what they could be. By:joe.sydney09/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/03/2021 Aussie compact syzygium australe new hedge pruning Category:Australian NativesTopic:Hedges Hi I am wondering what to do with my new hedge. It has Ben planted a year now and is growing straight up and is very bushy at the base of the hedge. I was thinking I would trim the lower branches and tip prune the top I. Order to thicken the bush in the middle. My question is can you trim lower branches of this type of lily pillhy (grows to max 3m) an will this help thicken the middle of the bush or promote just more new growth at the bottom? The reason I want to trim the bottom is to give room to the ground cover which is s native rosemary. Any help of ideas appreciated by this novice gardener! By:Native newbie06/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/03/2021 Geranium being attacked Geranium being attacked Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Good morning, I am new to this forum, and need some advice. The attached is one of several leaves on a potted geranium. I have searched every leaf on the plant and can find no obvious culprits. This is one of four pots with similar plants, but none of the other pots have been attacked. As far as I can see, there are no caterpillar droppings on any of the leaves. I am hoping someone could advise on what to do. Many thanks By:frajan0003/03/2021 Replies:1 Latest:03/03/2021 Cumquat tree all leaves falling off Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Hi I have two new (12 months old ) small cumquat standard trees in potting mix at the front door. They are only about 600mm in height. All The leaves have a blotchy look to them and have falling off. New growth did start but the leaves are doing the same thing They get regular water and have been feed with slow release fertiliser The potting mix drains well. My guess is that they are missing something in the potting mix Thanks for your help. John By:Johnsinclair27/02/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/03/2021 Grape vine leaves browning Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Grape vine Hello I’m in Sydney which has a lot of rain lately. I’ve noticed my grape vine which was planted 4 months ago is starting to have some issues. The leaves are turning brown (it starts off like the picture and get worse until the whole leaf is Brown. I also noted the trunk of the vine has had some bark peeling off it. I’m assuming this is because of the over watering but could it be disease? By:Jaymz11125/02/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/02/2021 Steel Edging Category:Garden Shop ProductsTopic: I'm interested in purchasing everedge. Can you tell me what colour is galvanised? Thank you By:Mike Ryan21/02/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/02/2021 Star Jasmine - Sunlight Requirements Star Jasmine - Sunlight Requirements Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic: I wanted to put create a Star Jasmine wall on my balcony, but the only place it could fit would have the pot hidden under a gutter out of sunlight. Does the entire plant need sunlight, or if the vine of the plant reaches past the gutter and into the sun, is that enough sun for the entire plant? By:Jonathan Weir18/02/2021 Replies:1 Latest:26/02/2021 Growing blueberries under Gum trees Category:Australian NativesTopic:Growing under gum trees ? Does anyone have any experience with growing blueberries under gum trees ? Any suggestions / ideas for success ? By:auamiart09/02/2021 Evergreen Climbers Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Growing Conditions I am trying to find an evergreen climber that doesn’t flower and will grow well in full sun in Sydney (directly west facing to cover a wall next to our pool so don’t want flowers/leaves falling in to the water). Any suggestions? By:Elle06/02/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/03/2021 What's wrong with my lemon tree ? What's wrong with my lemon tree ? Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree Hi there , I bought this lemon tree a year ago , re-pot it , gave fertilizer 3/4 months apart but is getting worst by the day. Didn't make new leaves in months but some lemons trying to grow. I water it regularly . Any help appreciated. Thanks Alex By:MT9928/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/03/2021 Poorly Elaeocarpus eumundi Poorly Elaeocarpus eumundi Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Sick plants I have 1/2 dozen Eumundi quondongs along my back fence line. They all seem to be doing fairly well except one which isn't growing and is 1/2 to 1/4 the size of the others and looks scraggy. This is the second Quondong I have planted in this position and both have not flourished. from the picture attached you can see the difference in size of the plant on the right. it also has less new growth, leaves are a lighter green and it seems to being have more leaves with insect attacks. I have tried watering more, less mineral trace elements etc. I would appreciate any advice. Thankyou By:David Hunt26/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:03/03/2021 How To Deal With Lawn Ants Nest? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests We gave a small lawn area about 10m x 10m and its got infested with black ants in the last couple of weeks or so. I'd live with them if they had different habit maybe but theyre making quite large holes everywhere and bringing lots of stuff up from underground and spreading it around and I think they're just going to make typical bush ant heaps and dead ground out of the whole thing. What's the best treatment? By:abrogard26/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:01/03/2021 Spreading brown tips: Vriesea Hieroglyphica Spreading brown tips: Vriesea Hieroglyphica Category:BromeliadsTopic:Vriesea Hi all, Looking for advice regarding spreading brown tips on my bromeliad - a beautiful variagated Vriesea Hieroglyphica. The plant has been happy and healthy indoors for 3-4 months since purchasing from a garden centre in Sydney, Australia. It receives good indirect/shaded sunlight across the day from a north-facing window. We keep the central well topped up with clean water, which we drain and replace about once a month. The plant sits in a regular draining plastic pot, which then sits on top of 3-4 cms of large pebbles inside a ceramic "outer" pot. We have not fertilised or repotted the plant at all. Recently (we think after some hot and dry weather here in Syd) several of the leaf tips began to turn brown and "die off". The brown has been slowly spreading down the leaf toward the centre of the plant, with these leaves looking like they're basically dying off. In some of the photos you can see we have marked the location of the "rot" to monitor its progress down the leaf. The plant otherwise looks very healthy, with the rest of the leaves bright, shiny and colourful, with new bract growth in the central well, and with no pup growth yet. We assumed underwatering (because the brown started at the tips, not at the centre, and because the leaf tips are dry and crispy rather than mushy). We have given the pot a good soaking, allowing it to dry thoroughly first. If the leaves can't be saved and it keeps spreading, what should we do? Should we cut off the dying leaves at the centre with a sterilised blade to stop it from spreading to the centre of the plant? Any advice very much appreciated! By:alexeij25/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Brown spots appearing on viburnum Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 Hi everyone. Some leaves on my potted viburnum are turning brown (see photo). It does not appear to be related to light - some leaves with it receive full sun while others are in a shadier position. I removed the affected leaves a couple of days ago but it has since affected more of the leaves. I would really appreciate any help in identifying what the cause of this is, and any tips on how to treat or prevent this. Thank you! By:ViburnumGuy25/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 How far apart should my plants apart(in separate containers not in one big garden b Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Advice please Dear All, I am a relatively new balcony microgardener, I have some potted plants and I group about 5 of them together in a standalone planter. I am worried if they are too close and not enough space between them because some collages are overlapping and touching one another. How far apart should my pots be? They are all in an individual pot, I don't think they need to compete for nutrient. Will not enough spacing affect their health? I just notice I have 6 of them being invaded byealybugs, this didn't happen before I scattered them around with huge spacing. I have attach a pic here, that is how they look. much appreciate your advice. Michelle By:Michelle21/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Shrub Identification Please Shrub Identification Please Category:What is this?Topic: Hi, First time poster. I am looking to identify this tree/bush. I have three of them that the previous owner had carved into ball tree's. Do you have any idea what they are? By:David Eccles19/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:20/01/2021 Can anyone please tell me what this plant is? Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please Hi all! Let's try again (if pic works this time)... This one popped up in our little vegetable garden of lettuce, basil, carrots and cucumbers (in case that helps) Any ideas what it might be? Long, dark green leaves - currently about 30cm. In the middle of lettuce, spring onion, basil etc. Tia Aron By:Aza2k19/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Hedge is thinning Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying Hi I purchased a property with a lovley garden and I am very new to gardening. I'm not sure what my hedge is but it is thinning and the inside is hollow and filled with empty branches. Dead beaches I'm guessing. Now theres holes in the hedge. How do I revive my hedge? Do I have to remove the dead branches and they will grow back? Any help would be appreciated. By:RayAus15/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:20/01/2021 What tree is this? What tree is this? Category:What is this?Topic: Can anyone help me identify this tree? A month ago all the leaves were dark green (as seen in one patch in the photo). There has been some heavy rain over last few weeks and now dry hot conditions. The leaves have started to go yellow. Does anyone know why? Is this concerning or normal? Is there anything I can do to stop this happening? Thanks. By:Arezoo14/01/2021 Horseradish pests Category:Veggie PestsTopic:Horseradish Hi, Does anyone know what these pests are? They live at the base of my horseradish plants stems. Any suggestions on controlling them. By:Gasman14/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Help with Cordyline Fungus/Leaf Damage Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 Hi! I’ve recently planted the attached Cordyline and I’ve noticed some light green spots and also the ends of the leaves drying and getting stringy. Any advise on what this is and how to treat would be awesome! Thanks!!! By:CHolmes9013/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Sheenas Gold - losing leaves / dying Sheenas Gold - losing leaves / dying Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Sick plants Hi Gardners, I have a sheena's gold hedge that has been loosing leaves rather badly over the past couple of months. The leaves are getting a dark discolouration and slowly die after a month or so. The regrowth that has replaced it is pretty sparse and the leaves are narrow and spindly. I'd love to hear if you have any suggestions! By:concerned_gardener13/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Struggling/ dying olive tree Struggling/ dying olive tree Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants Hello all, I'm a very novice gardener so looking for some basic, easy to understand advice here. One of my 3 olive trees, not potted, has for the past several weeks been showing signs of distress. There was initially some yellowing and leaf curl, along with some black spots on the underside which I have treated with copper (appears to have largely worked), but now the symptoms have spread more broadley, with leaves going brown and curling across the plant. There has been no new growth for the past few months whilst our other trees have gone great-guns. Thinking it's a problem with the roots. Have treated with Yates anti-rot several times directly to the leaves, and also turned over the top soil (adding further premium mix). No obvious results yet. Any advice on what else to try or how long to expect results? Some yellowing leaves now noticeable on the adjoining plant. By:James_M07/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Transplanting Staghorn Transplanting Staghorn Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please I recently found that a stag horn fern (Platycerium bifurcated) had germinated and begun to grow, on a water feature alongside my fishpond. At what stage can it be transplanted for growing-on? How does one separate it from the surface on which it has grown with out fatally damaging root structure? NOTE: The plant is now at least twice as big as pictured. By:GrodLik05/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:05/01/2021 Succulent on balconies Category:Cactii/SucculentsTopic:General Succulents are often a good choice for balconies, although many are prone to damage by frost. By:Peter Stewart05/01/2021 Replies:1 Latest:05/01/2021 Schinus molle Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please My first post so hoping for some help here. We live in Dongara WA and have planted 10 x Schinus molle to create a wind break. They've been in the ground since April and growing well but getting very long branches and we're wondering if we should be trimming them off now or let them just keep growing. We've had to stake them pretty hard against the southerly wind By:davsan31/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Bay Tree Problem Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi I have a 15yr old Bay Tree in a raised garden bed (with other herbs)..for the past few years it has been sending out shoots at ground level and I have been cutting them at or just below soil level...This enhances the growth however, and the number of "suckers" has become a problem as they branch from the previous cut area... HELP!! what do I do to reduce /stop this occuring? Or is it time to remove the tree ( which looks fabulous as I have topiaried it) and replace with a lemon tree??? By:Cazzie30/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:20/01/2021 Bay Suckers Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi I have a 15yr old Bay Tree in a raised garden bed (with other herbs)..for the past few years it has been sending out shoots at ground level and I have been cutting them at or just below soil level...This enhances the growth however, and the number of "suckers" has become a problem as they branch from the previous cut area... HELP!! what do I do to reduce /stop this occuring? Or is it time to remove the tree ( which looks fabulous as I have topiaried it) and replace with a lemon tree??? By:Cazzie29/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:13/02/2021 Lily Pilly Hedge problem Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying Hi, I have a lilly pilly hedge vor privacy in my front yard. 2 years ago I had a gardener cut the hedge and he introduced a little green bug that has been eating all the new growth on the hedge I have used everything on bunnings shelf without success even richgrow bug killa and now it has changed colour and groes only in spots.I have watered and sprayed with seasol,seasol gold and native fertiliser but my hedge is dying can anybody please help? By:helen rees29/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:20/01/2021 Hedges for narrow spaces Category:HedgesTopic:Fragrant Hedges I have a small garden in need of some evergreen hedges. But it can’t be more than 80cm high and 30/35cm wide. I don’t know if I can, for example, get Japanese buxus and plant flush against timber sleepers and trim them when the get 30/35cm thick (away from the sleepers) I have no idea what plant is suitable for this. I would like fragrant flowering but not essential By:Gokmen25/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:29/12/2020 Murraya Hedges- Transported and Not Looking good Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying I dug up some Murraya Hedges from a neighbour and planted them in our front garden to create a new hedge. I have been watering them and fertilising them but all the leaves have turned brown and are falling off. I also trimmed it all back, They have been replanted for about 6 weeks now. Is this normal? Or does it sound like they have died? If normal - how long do they normally take to thrive again? By:pgd1317/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Another weed identification please. Another weed identification please. Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please Looking to identify this weed please. By:Very Busy13/12/2020 East facing glass house Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Advice please Hi all - this my first post - with a tonne of work to do in our new old house probably won't do any real gardening for some time; I am in the ideas/planning phase! So, we have an east facing heavily sloped (poorly terraced) garden. the flat area exiting the house is only about 4.5 to 5 metres wide before hitting the slope starting with 3 tiers of moss rocks. We have no and require an out door living space. First idea was to pave and install a vergola. I am now thinking about a glass house. I would like peoples thoughts if this would work being east facing. House is 2 story so not much direct light in winter. will this heat up house too much in summer or with the right ventilation could it work - could you comfortably sit in this space, again with the right ventilation? could you incorporate outdoor kitchen with BBQ and pizza oven?? would want a glass roof, not polycarbonate sheeting? Look forward to your thoughts By:One-day12/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:14/12/2020 Cucumbers getting munched by something? Cucumbers getting munched by something? Category:Veggie PestsTopic:Cucumbers Hi All, My cucumbers have just started attracting something that is taking what looks like small bites out of them. I have no idea what they are. They have also just moved ont my small roma tomatoes. Pic attached.... Help!!! By:Gregg12/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:14/12/2020 Diseases in Roses Diseases in Roses Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Sick plants I have 3 x standard roses and 5 x other variety (unknown), they have all been very stunned in growth this season with 2 looking almost dead. There are red dots on leaves of all the roses - I think it's a magnesium deficiency Any ideas on how I can get rid of the red dots and why 2 out of 8 are not growing? By:Darcey07/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:25/01/2021 Any ideas what this is Any ideas what this is Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi could someone please tell me what tree or shrub this is . ? Pic not the best it has large old base / trunk which was cut down but has regrown . Thanks By:(Facetious name that we choose not to repeat)05/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:08/12/2020 Something eating my Dwarf Canna Something eating my Dwarf Canna Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests I've grown my first garden this year of Dwarf Canna & Alstromeria, have already been invaded by whiteflies and other insects but cannot figure out what is eating large holes and even severing half of one leaf? Can anybody suggest what kinds of creatures would do this? I live in Melbourne. By:Sion03/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:05/01/2021 Pyrostegia Venusta - how hard can I prune Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Growing Conditions Hi, I have bought a home on the Sunshine Coast that has a section of fence about 8m long which has had pyrostegia venusta (orange trumpet vine) growing along the top. Photo attached. The wire support is failing under the weight of ten years of growth. I’d like to prune back the vine hard, to about 6 inches from the ground, install some more substantial support, and regrow the creeper. If I cut the plant back this hard will it regrow? By:DanielL02/12/2020 Replies:1 Latest:08/12/2020 Convolvulus Struggling Convolvulus Struggling Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Groundcover I have been trying to grow Convolvulus cneorum for a few years along the top of a rockery (maybe 40 separate plants). Without warning they start to change colour and start to die. This is quite random and I have some plants took 2 or more years to die this way and others have not died. I replaced the soil in areas where they died with fresh garden soil from my landscape supplies after digging out the existing soil to a depth of at least 400mm. Note the garden is only about 300mm wide with large sandstone rocks on one edge and lawn the other side separated by pine sleepers which would be at least 10 years old. I replaced 8 plants into the new soil which had been placed there at least a month earlier just 2 months ago (watering them in daily for the first week and then once a week) and today I notice that two plants are starting to wilt and die. I feel that I should replace all of these Convolvulus with something else but what? See attached photos. What could be causing this? By:John Arnold28/11/2020 Replies:1 Latest:05/01/2021 What is this white rock please? What is this white rock please? Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please Hi, Can anyone please help me identify this stuff? I'm finding chunks of it in the ground in the garden and under the deck in the house we just moved into. It's like a block of crumbly rock mixed in with the dirt. Then when you crush it with your hands it turns to powder very easily. Is it even a rock? Or is it a big blob of decomposing mould or something? Any ideas please? Here's a link of the rock not crumbled as I find it. And below is a link to the rock after I've squished it. It's easy as hell to crush, 2 fingers will do it. Crumbled rock Cheers, Chris By:Pharian19/11/2020 Replies:1 Latest:21/11/2020 Help me identify these seedlings please Help me identify these seedlings please Category:VegetablesTopic: Hi all. I recently moved into a new home and set up a few garden beds with potting mix and cane mulch. This little bed has not had anything planted by me in it but it has these small (3-5cm) shoots coming up all over. I don't want to just rip them out if they are beneficial or edible. I have not idea what they are and hope that one of you may know. Thanks, in advance for any and all help. Cheers, macinoz By:macinoz18/11/2020 Replies:1 Latest:19/11/2020 Newbie Balcony Grower Category:VegetablesTopic: Hi, I have never grown anything in my life, but now have a rather large (roughly 6m x 4m) balcony/patio area and woud like to try my hand at a few easier veges. North facing, in Canberra - I might need to protect with shade in mid-summer. One issue I am finding is that balcony pots and elevated beds tend to be quite small - some interlocking small ones are around but expensive. Does anyone have any receommendations for larger lighteweight beds suitable to tiled surfaces, and easy to grow vegetables? I know I am a bit late in the spring for a lot of planting, but that's fine. if nothing much grows this year, no great loss - I wouldn't expect to get things right first go anyway. By:Tim17/11/2020 Replies:2 Latest:18/11/2020 Dead Passionfruit Dead Passionfruit Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants 2 My passionfruit vine was growing vigorously and had set a good crop of young fruit. I returned from holiday a couple of weeks ago to find it a bit wilted. I gave it a few good waters but it didn't come back. Slowly all the fruit began to wrinkle and the leaves turned yellow. Within two weeks it was pretty much gone. I tried a a pesticide and fungicide but may have been too late. I've cut it back to the woody trunk now hoping it will re-shoot. Any ideas what attacked it? Photos attached. By:Simon Hall07/11/2020 Replies:1 Latest:18/11/2020 How to repair and maintain a lawn Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Hi. I recently became an owner of a house with a large lawn area. I have never maintained a garden before. While the lawn was full of grass when we first moved in, it is not so now. I had sprayed weed killer in one small patch of the lawn but now almost the whole lawn is full of weeds (and they over grew because I couldn't mow them in time) I have mowed down the weeds now but I need it to go back to the pretty lawn like it was. What should be my next step? Should I spray weed killer on the whole of the lawn now? Then what? Help please.???? By:VT16703/11/2020 Replies:2 Latest:06/11/2020 Frangipani help please! Frangipani help please! Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi, Each year my Frangipani's get yellow ends, they look to get worse, the growth is stunted and some have died. Does anyone know what causes this end branch problem? Cheers Pete By:PeterG01/11/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/11/2020 Coleus leaf propagation Category:PropagationTopic:Cuttings Hey I can not seem to find anything much about doing Coleus Leaf Vein propagation so I have decided to go ahead and test the theory myself and post results as I go for future reference to those whom think they might want some info. Ok so I am doing this in such a method anyone at home can also do. There are 2 leaves pinned to a mix of Sphagnum moss and peat moss, sprayed with tap water to keep moist. The pot is covered with plastic kitchen wrap and a half job plastic wrap tie to keep some sort of environmental control. Notes: 1. I have used cable ties to pin leaves but you could use Plant ties, a stone or anything that works for your situation. 2. The Sphagnum and peat moss could be substituted for any of your favorite propagation media. I just had it there. 3. The kitchen wrap could be subbed with a prop dome, tray and cloche or anything that allows light through and easy access to respray if needed. Cheers for now Staffy By:Staffy31/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:31/10/2020 Deodar Sick Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Sick plants HI There, I hope someone can help me? I have a special, large Deodar Tree which is about 70 years old. At the beginning of Spring is shed most of its needles. Now it has new growth which also appears to be dying. We living in Central West NSW and have experienced 3 years of drought. Any suggestions would be fantastic! Thanks, Susie By:susie mclelland30/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:31/10/2020 Grape vine suffering Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Growing Conditions Crimson glory vine vitis coignetiae producing loads of flowers, but the leaves are very small and don't cover our pergola as well as they used to. By:julianne pulford23/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Magnolia Tree Dying? Magnolia Tree Dying? Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Sick plants Wondering if someone can help. We planted about 15 beautiful Magnolia trees approx 3 years ago. All are growing beautifully except for 1 which appears to be dying. It was fine up until 3-4 months ago when the leaves started browning. I tried giving it extra water but didnt seem to help. Can anyone help? Is it dead? Can it be saved? It seems to be sprouting towards the bottom as pictured which makes me think its still alive. Appreciate the help! By:fabes22/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Frangipani companion plants Frangipani companion plants Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please Hi There, My wife wants to plant 4 x White Frangipanis along our rear boundary in raised round concrete beds. (see picture) Could you please recommend complementary planting for in between the Frangipanis. The area is in full morning - early afternoon sun. To the right of the picture is a metal fence. What would work as screen planting to hide the fence that would also be complimentary in look. This area only gets morning sun. Many thanks in advance for your help. Cameron Russell Lea, NSW By:Cameron Wilson22/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Rose bugs Rose bugs Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi, just wondering if anyone can ID these bugs that invade my roses and other flowers every year. I only see them this time of year but they totally decimate the flowers very quickly. I've attached a photo of the bugs on the rose and the damage they do to the roses. Thank you Sandy By:SandyN19/10/2020 Replies:2 Latest:27/10/2020 Pest eating passion fruit vine Pest eating passion fruit vine Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi, I am on my second attempt at growing passion fruit plants in Vines in Victoria. Something is eating the leaves. I can’t see anything on the plants though. I have been trying white oil and chilli garlic spray but can’t seem to stop them being eaten. I am in the Geelong area. Any help would be appreciated By:Stevo717/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Beginner advice needed please!! Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please Hi there, I’m a complete beginner to growing veggies. I’m planning on using organic potting mix and using seeds instead of seedlings. I will start with lettuce seeds. My questions are... 1. Do I need to use pea straw mulch to keep moisture in the soil? 2. How often should I water the seeds while waiting for them to germinate? 3. How often should I use fertiliser? (I’m in West Gippsland Victoria so usually we have plenty of rain). Thank you By:Nicole Matthews14/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:20/10/2020 sunflowers Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers hello all trying to grow some sunflower seedlings for the first time ever i planted some in the garden....the sprouted but before a second set of leaves appeared something plucked them or at them.......but they are gone i have tried now planting some seeds in a seed raising container (clear lid plastic tray) and i have soaked the seeds for a few hours and planted them pointy end down and put them in the cupboard (water inthe bottom) some of them have sprouted after a few days but they a growing sideways rather than up ( a spindly looking white shoot) just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on why this would be By:milesy14/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Are my Liquid amber sick? Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Sick plants Hi I recently bought some liquid Amber trees to plant down our driveway. I have noticed they have black edges on the leaves and this weird bark looking stuff up the trunks (and on every branch of one of them). I'm wondering if they are diseased or infested or something and if there is anything I can do about it? By:Tee13/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Lemon tree insects Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi all, I recently bought and planted a Dwarf Meyer lemon tree. It seems to be doing well, but it has these insects all over the pot (and in the compost). It doesn't appear thus far they are eating the leaves, but I wouldn't mind getting rid of them! Any ideas on what they are and what I can do to remove? Thanks By:Sam198512/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Help!! Bambino fiddle dropping leaves Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Sick plants I woke up this morning after having a bambino fiddle leaf for around 6 months looking quite healthy to all of a sudden dropping leaves like crazy! I can barely touch it and another drops off. I’m a novice gardener and the leaves don’t look super unhealthy in any obvious way to me, so any help would be appreciated. It was so expensive and I don’t want it to die!! I currently water it every 2 weeks, it’s well draining, the roots seem dry to touch when I water it, so I wouldn’t have thought I was overwatering but who knows. By:Gabe11/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Bare root trees Category:Handy HintsTopic:Bare root trees Purchased around 80 trees all bare root a mix of ornamental and fruit trees but the soil was just too waterlogged to plant. Managed to get about 50 planted but the remainder are in sandy loam and have budded and now in leaf. Can I still plant them out? Any hints to ensure their survival? By:Pr91211/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/10/2020 Spindly hedge revival? Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying I’ve moved into a house in Canberra where the hedge has had little attention and looks very spindly. Is there a way to revive it and encourage more foliage? By:Bpcarol10/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Myoporum parvifolium Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Does anyone know how long it takes for myoporum parvifolium yarenna to establish and start to spread? I planted it back in March and whilst it looks healthy, it has barely spread. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. By:Archie10/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Hippeastrum cultivar identification Hippeastrum cultivar identification Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Hi everyone, I would like to know the name of this hippeastrum flower. If you know what it is called, please let me know. Many thanks. I really need to find this bulb. By:David Livingstone10/10/2020 Pomegranate Tree Pomegranate Tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Hi , I think my pomegranate tree is sick . The tree is 5 years old and has been very healthy until this summer where its healthy leaves turned yellow (usually does in late autumn) and this spring leaves are not looking healthy and pale green and much less leaves than usual. I feed this twice yearly with general fertiliser and fruiting fertilizer in spring and water regularly Not sure what is happening or how to save this tree, any advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance ! By:skyblue09/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Persimilis or Red Spider Mite?? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hello! I recently started my first garden bed and everything has been growing beautifully! I live in NSW Australia and it is currently Spring here. I have been noticing insect life in the garden. Ants, little flies, worms and garden spiders. All was fine until I spotted hundreds of microscopic orange-ish spider looking things crawling all over my soil and mulch. I took a further look with the zoom on my phone camera and found that the bigger ones are orange and the almost unseeable ones are clear. I did a lot of reading on mites yesterday and it seems that the most common pest mite is the Two Spotted Mite (Red Spider Mite). My little friends don't have two spots on the back however, I read they can turn red-orange during cooler weather and seeing as we are just coming out of winter, I'm concerned that this might be the case. I have also been noticing small-ish webs on the soil. I'll add photos below. My plants seem to be doing fine. One of my green bean leaves was eaten but it has slime all over it so I'm guessing a snail made his way through. This has me confused and worried because I can't tell if they are Predatory Mites (Persimilis), Pest Mites, or maybe even just baby spiders from my Garden Spiders!! I have already become emotionally attached to my veggies and I would be devastated if they got eaten up by some tiny pests! I also found a few of these small caterpillar- larva looking things if you can identify. Hopefully not a problem. Please help to identify and if they are pests, any advice on how to organically deal with them would be much appreciated. By:MoOli08/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Help needed Category:Tools & MachineryTopic:Help needed 2 Does anyone know what gardening tool this is..??? By:GARETH02/10/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Weed Identification Weed Identification Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please Hi there - Linked is a picture of a weed we're getting on our lawn, wondering if we could get it identified as we're unsure if it's safe for the rabbits to dine on. Location is south Tasmania. Thanks! By:garden_born30/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Everything turning yellow in raised Garden Bed Everything turning yellow in raised Garden Bed Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please Hi there, I've just put in some raised garden beds. Filled them with layers (lasagne style) with the last 40cm or so of 'organic garden soil'. I planted a whole bunch of veggies, many of which i have grown successfully in pots previously. They all germinated fine, however, since germination, they have all stopped growing and are looking very yellow and sick. I tested the pH of the soil and it was a little high so i added some sulphate. I've fed the plants with powerfeed and seasol. I'd appreciate any advice. I'm worried the soil is just terrible By:chogbin28/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Does anyone know what variety of lavender this is? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Hi. I’ve been trying to identify this lavender. It has long wiry flowers of deep purple. It only has a mild lavender scent compared to other varieties. By:Snap26/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Damage to agave Damage to agave Category:Cactii/SucculentsTopic:General Hi... We are in Perth . Recently we have noticed quite a few of our Agava , Yukkas ,Dragun tree and Dracaena have developed spotty leaves. There does not appear to be any little creatures on the leaves and it is as tho the spots are inside the leaf.. The underside of the leaves are unaffected What do you think the cause could be? By:Geoff Criddle23/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 What's wrong with my transplanted tomato? What's wrong with my transplanted tomato? Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please I just carefully planted this Wapsipinicon Peach tomato in a grow bag, with well draining soil and some horse manure lower down in the bag. I put it in last night, and gave it a good water... now, this morning it looks like it's dying. Is this transplant shock or something worse? It is because I planted it at night and the water wasn't absorbed well? Or was it because I put some slow release fertiliser pellets in the hole next to the roots? I may have overwatered it; when I saw the leaves turning dull and losing colour, I gave it a good water so maybe that didn't help. Will it survive? What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance! By:the_red_one22/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Grevillea - falling flowers Grevillea - falling flowers Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Advice please Hello I have a Grevillia (Robyn Gordon) which was going great but now the flowers are looking abit brittle and some falling off. I haven't over watered and its in the native potting mix. Any ideas of what might be going on? Much thanks Alex By:Alex15/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Dense Fense. Does it have a fragrant flower Category:HedgesTopic:Fragrant Hedges Hi, I'm looking a putting in a low growing fragrant hedge. Does anyone know if Dense Fence Sweet Viburnum have a fragrant flow? By:John7011/09/2020 Happy Wanderer - Sick plant Happy Wanderer - Sick plant Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants 2 We have three happy wanderers in the same garden bed, each around 2m apart, one is flourishing and the two others have barely grown and seem to be sick. The look dry and seem to have cob webs in spots. It's such a shame as we love the colours and screening they provide. I have attached some photos. By:Hugh06/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:28/12/2020 Help with my Passion Fruit vine Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants 2 Hi all, I recently bought a house in bayside Victoria. The courtyard has three passion fruit vines growing at the back of a planter garden and in the last couple of months they seem to be really suffering. The middle one had a massive bulk (I wonder if they were planted too close together?) and I recently gave it a trim to try and help. The leaves have been dropping and new growth is much lighter in color and shriveled. It hasn’t gotten much worse since the trim but hasn’t improved either. What can I do to save the plants? Thanks ?? By:Beth-Mordialloc05/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Eumundi Quandong Eumundi Quandong Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Hi,A pest has been eating the top leaves of my Eumundi Quandongs. The trees look really healthy apart from the top. I've lopped the top eaten sections off, but when it grows back and the leaves are eaten again. I put possum spikes on the fence but i don't think it's possums because they eat all around. However a couple of branches are broken. The flowers and leaves on my Tippuchina against the same fence also get eaten. By:Mark Cavanagh05/09/2020 Replies:1 Latest:27/10/2020 Brown/black spots on branch of Meyer lemon Brown/black spots on branch of Meyer lemon Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree These brown/black spots have appeared on a single branch of a young lemon tree - other branches are unaffected. Any advice much appreciated, thanks! By:Mickh31/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:04/09/2020 Sick Avocado Tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Hi, my very young avocado tree’s leaves have turned brown and feel really dry and crispy. The soil is moist so it’s definitely getting water. The rest of the plant is green. By:monellis27/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:04/09/2020 Young delphiniums nibbled Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 Nibbled and in some cases cropped. We're in an enclosed garden, with no sign of ANY wildlife. The only other clue is that in that area if I sprinkle green slug pellets at night by morning they've all gone. So maybe it's some nocturnal critter? It's not rabbits. It's not slugs or snails. By:Sikm21/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:22/08/2020 Lemon drop Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon tree Please can anyone help with my lemon tree which is grown in a container. For the last 2years at this time of year it produces lots and lots of flowers which in turn produce lemons . The grow to about the size of a pea then turn yellow and fall off.Can anyone help, I will be glad of any advice By:Maureen21/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:22/08/2020 Camellia Category:PropagationTopic:Cuttings Hello, I have a camellia cutting from my mother's father's tree. It is struggling and the only one left, my parents have since sold the house. How long does it stay in a plastic bag? How much water should i give it? Should i bring it inside for warmth at all? Kind regards and thanks Anthony By:forthecressida14/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:14/08/2020 Dying Lawn Dying Lawn Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Hi, What are we doing wrong?(please find attached before and after photos). Our Palmetto lawn is looking terrible. We have had plenty of rainfall and everyone else in our street has green lawn except us. We are afraid of losing our lawn altogether. We purchased and lay our lawn in September last year. And now it looks like this. Desperately need some help!!! Any advice would be much appreciated. Regards Anthony Priemus By:Anthony Priemus04/08/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2020 My Palm isn’t as happy Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please Hi. I was hoping someone could give me some advice. I’ve had this Palm all year and it’s been happy and healthy. I water it once a week in winter and summer more based on speed of drying. It gets good light here by this window and has been in this larger pot for about 4 months now. Does any one know why two fronds are dying off? One frond which is dying needs to survive to support the new one coming up. Please help. ?? By:anix11/07/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2020 Soil Suppliers Category:LandscapingTopic: Hi there, I have a soil supply concern that I'd like to share with this forum as I'm unable to source a good landscaping provider in the Northern Sydney area and wondered if others are affected by it. I have attempted to source a premium grade gardening soil from the Hornsby area, including Belrose \ Terrey Hills. ISSUE: Nothing seems to grow in the soil purchased. As it turns out the soil being sold at the moment has an extremely high PH. The first two batch's I bought a year ago from different suppliers had a PH of 8.5 to 9.5. My last hope of purchasing through a large reputable company had a PH of 8-9. Selling soil in these ranges isn't acceptable, as these supplier would know that most plants grow in the PH range of 5 to 7.5. It cost me valuable time and money correcting this problem. This hasn't been a once off issue for me it's been occurring for over a year. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? By:Simon09/07/2020 After Zingiber officinale Ginger Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:General Hi, I have been searching for some Ginger (Zingiber officinale) at a reasonable price but can not find it anywhere. I would like to grow my own Ginger. Does anyone have any they would like to sell or could I be pointed in the right direction. Thanks in advance. By:Geoff8207/07/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2020 Golden sheens 8 months old dying Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please Never had problem with my hedges now white things on leaves and trunk , lady at Mitre 10 said mealy bugs so I bought (congaurd) and have sprayed them every week I just can’t seem to stop Them By:Millzie2630/06/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/08/2020 What plant is this What plant is this Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Shade plants Anyone know what this plant is? Doesn't like sunlight and seems to set lots of seeds and seedlings abound around the plant. By:Mark Wilson11/06/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 is this tree damaging my plants is this tree damaging my plants Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please I have a tree overhanging from the neighbour and cannot remember the species. Its regularly dropping leaves and small branches I have a row of Lilly Pilly's under this tree. The ones directly under this tree are stunted and look diseased with multiple dead branches. The ones beyond it are fine and growing well Do the dropping leaves pose a toxic risk to any plants underneath? Thanks By:pelooyen30/05/2020 Replies:2 Latest:30/05/2020 Lemon Myrtle- pruning Category:Topic: We have a lemon myrtle tree that has grown to about 3 metres tall. We are hoping to form it into a smaller, bushier shape. Is it possible to cut off the top branches? Will it regrow into a bush? By:Heather27/05/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 What is this plant? Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Sun/shade Can anyone help me identify this plant? It a compact shrub with silvery down covered leaves and small mauve flowers. It has pods which means it’s a bean, pea or Kulin family member from what I can tell. It’s a stunning plant in my elderly neighbours garden and he doesn’t recall what it is. I’d like to try and grow it from the pod seeds. I’m not sure if it native or not. The plant is in the southern area of W.A. By:Karel17/05/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Murraya hedge Category:HedgesTopic:Hedge dying We have been battling for a while with a Murraya hedge that is about 60m long . Plants in a particular area keep dying and we would appreciate some advice as to what the cause may be By:Hubby04/05/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Older leaves with mottled yellowing on a meyer lemon Older leaves with mottled yellowing on a meyer lemon Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon Hi there I planted a meyer lemon around 6 months ago and the older, lower leaves are producing mottled yellowing/also some leaves with the V-shape yellowing. This yellowing is slowly rising higher towards the younger leaves. The tree is producing fruit which is starting to ripen, and also flowering at the moment. So far I've added epsom salts a couple of times to the soil and watered that in, with no improvement. I then did a foliar spray of trace elements, but have not repeated this as the label advice is to not apply while flowering. Image attached. Any advice appreciated! By:Mickh30/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Umbrella Tree - roots Umbrella Tree - roots Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi all, we have a tree close to our house wall, which I believe is an umbrella tree. I have read that these have very invasive roots so I think I should move / remove it. But having dug down a little, the roots do not appear to be very invasive at all. Can anyone confirm what tree this is and whether we should remove it, or is replanting an option given it's size? By:Alan22/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:24/04/2020 Growing Plants Under Cover Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Advice please Hello,can you plant small trees and shrubs under opal coloured polycarbonate roofing successfully.By this i mean will they grow or not.They will have a watering system provided.Regards. By:Ronald Davis21/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:24/04/2020 Dwarf bean plants - tips of leaves are drying, yellowing or turning brown Category:VegetablesTopic:Vegetables - Beans I planted 4 dwarf bean plants from seeds. It's been three weeks and they were doing pretty well. Recently I've noticed that the tips of the leaves are drying out and curling inwards, or tearing at the edges. I have been watering these plants but I'm conscious of overwatering. About two days ago I gave the plants some diluted hydroponic fertilizer. However the problem was present before I put the fertilizer on the plants. I also examined the leaves and couldn't see any pests. The climate where I am is subtropical humid. I would love to save my bean plants and any help will be so appreciated! By:cyhcx19/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Help, Lemon Tree Dying Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Please help, I planted a Lemon tree with Dad a few months ago as he lives overseas and may not be able to come back to Darwin due to age. The tree was doing well until this week, leaves yellow, curled and fallen off. I fed it with slow release citrus fertiliser last week. Really confused about how much water it needs, everyone says not to water too much but it looks like it needs water? New to this so would be very grateful for help. By:Cpulman17/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Dianella caerulea Dianella caerulea Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Shade plants Can I plant DIANELLA CAERULEA in an area that only gets a couple of hours direct sunlight each day? It will be planted in a narrow garden bed next to a fence and about 2 1/2 m from the house. Thanks! Michelle By:Michelle T14/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Ornamental Pear - Cleveland Select Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi, I have just planted 10 Ornamental Pear - Cleveland Select trees down a long driveway. The trees where a glossy green before I planted them and have since turned a red/gold colour since planting. I am aware these trees turn this colour in the later months of autumn, but have seen others of the same species in the same area which are still glossy green. Just wondering if I should be worried. By:ajcoles8414/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Viburnum Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please Hello everyone. Hoping to get a little advice regarding spacing for Sweet Viburnum please. We have a long fence line approx 90m and have previously planted Sweet Viburnum to approx a quarter of this with spacing of 1m. The plants are approx 400mm-500mm in height and planted about a year and a half ago. We are looking at planting the remaining area and now have a better understanding of spacing and that 1.5-2m may have been a more suited distance for the growth and health of the plant. •Would please love some guidance on what distance you would recommend between future plantings? (We are hoping to have them at full height which is advised at 3-5m and 2-4m wide. Also, • In your opinion will our previously planted Viburnum be ok with the smaller spacing of 1M or when they develop will this hinder their health and growth? We are wondering if we go to the effort of transplanting them to a greater distance between now to achieve a better future outcome or if we just leave them & I’m worrying over nothing? We are also aware of the potential risks associated with moving plants and what would be the better option for our existing plants. Thank you all so very much. We are rather new to gardening and everything we looked up on the internet gave mixed advice. REPLY By:Jessica08009/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 yellowing of the virgin growing stem leaves on grosse liissie tomatoes Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please Hi, can someone advise me what may be the cause of this problem with my young tomato plants, I have the same yellowing in the leaves in my Kent pumpkins too. When I formed the bed I threw a small amount of Rooster poo into the soil and hoe'd this with my Honda tiller, the PH was neutral from the test I did, the fertiliser is about 2 years old, maybe a bit mre than 2 years. thanks for any info. Fred By:fredm06/04/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Newer fronds with small holes Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please All the new fronds that have grown so far have small holes in them, a variation of small white/yellow holes, and holes with brown edges towards the crown. Initially the first one that showed any abnormalities just had small translucent yellow spots and some small brown spots. But since then the newer leaves had small holes in them instead. Now theres four affected fronds. I suspect it's because I was overwatering the plant. Is there anything that I can do? Is it better to have removed the affected fronds in the earlier stage? By:stefanielii28/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:30/05/2020 Dwarf Flowering Gum Pest Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please My dwarf flowering gum seems to have a pest that is eating away at the leaves. It looks like some sort of caterpillar that creates a web, joining the leaves. Does anyone know what this is or what pesticides is safe to use on a gum tree? By:hayleyzieg28/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:30/05/2020 Smooth vs Mophead Hydrangea Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hello gardeners! We are keen to plant hydrangeas in our front yard and I like both the smooth hydrangea and the mophead hydrangea. We live in Melbourne, Australia. We have two garden beds. One is under a very large gumtree and gets morning sun and afternoon shade. The other garden bed gets only dappled sun. Which species of hydrangea (mophead or smooth) would be suited to the garden bed under the gumtree (given that the tree will suck nutrient and moisture from the ground)? Which species of hydrangea (mophead or smooth) would be better suited to the garden bed with only dappled sun (mostly shade)? Thank you in advance! By:evaandmarley28/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:03/08/2020 Citrus trees have no new/inconsistent growth Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants Okay I’ve bought 2 orange trees and a lemon tree about 3 -4 months ago. I’ve repotted them all into huge containers, mixed a special soil mix, with sand, citrus soil, compost and I used a layer of rocks at the bottom for drainage. I’ve got a thick layer of mulch on the top. Which should be optimal for growing citrus according to the many YouTube videos I’ve watched. I gave them all the same amount of fertiliser, same amount of sun/water. Now here’s the weird part. The first orange tree is growing fine, it went through a growth spurt and got heaps of new growth then stopped after that. The second orange tree has not grown at all, no new leaves, the new leaves on it are still small, and it looks all shrivled up, the leaves are still green and there’s no yellowing but the leave are compact compared to the other. The lemon tree had had no new growth at all and the bottom leaves are starting to yellow and drop. I’ve given them pellet fertiliser and coffee grounds, water once every 3 days. Why are the results so inconsistent. I have a dwarf lemon next to them in the same conditions and it’s growing rapidly. With lots of new growth. Any help is appreciated thanks the trees are in order as I’ve spoken about them, you can see in the image the difference between the two orange trees, and the yellow leaves on the lemon tree and the healthy dwarf lemon. P.S. note from editor - no image supplied (must have forgot to attach it) By:Allooushh25/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:25/03/2020 Growing fruit near human waste Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I am wanting to plant an avocado tree for personal consumption, but the only suitable space available on my property right now (sunlight, etc) was previously used for a couple of pit toilets (long-drops). The most recently used one has not been active for at least 2.5 years, but has only recently been sealed with soil. Does anyone have any advice on whether it would be dangerous from a health perspective to plant near these old pit toilets? Fruit has been grown near such sites in developing nations for many years, but not sure about outcomes with diseases, etc. Any advice would be much appreciated - thanks. By:SezMarlow15/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:17/03/2020 Dahlias Dahlias Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Hi!! I just brought a new house and the previous owners had planted two dahlias in the front yard. After looking them up online I see that there is a big thing about digging them up in winter? We live in south west Victoria. I was wondering if sometime can explain it all to me? Do I have to dig them up? By:NewbieGardener03/03/2020 Replies:2 Latest:08/07/2020 Growing bamboo in Melbourne Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Hi, I'm not a green thumb whatsoever so I thought I'd ask for some feedback here around growing bamboo. My partner is Asian and loves the idea of using bamboo in the front yard to give us a bit more privacy than or fence does today. First, are there certain varieties that will/ wont grow in the Melbourne climate and second, I've heard they can behave much like weeds and grow out of control and make a mess. I don't want to spend every weekend trying to keep it under control or cleaning up after it. I'm hoping there is an easy solve to both of my questions. Thank you in advance. Kieran. By:kdog11902/03/2020 Replies:1 Latest:17/03/2020 Stinging Nettles Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please I have infestation of stinging nettles. I pulled original large plants out by hand and have continued to pull out tiny and small plants as soon as I can. They continue to pop up before my eyes! Will digging tiny plants back into soil help cull them or will that just stimulate faster growth? Any other suggestions please. I do not use chemicals of any type in my garden. Thanks. Janet By:Janet29/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:29/02/2020 Possum poo disposal Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 Hi. I have recently bought a new home with two oak trees and possums that like to climb them. The possums leave a lot of poo near the trees. I swept some of it up today, and I am wondering how to dispose of them. Should they go into the regular rubbish bin, or are they good to throw onto the soil? Thank you By:Sapphira26/02/2020 Replies:2 Latest:28/02/2020 What is it and how do I get rid of it? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 I have a Mandevilla Aloha which has little white bugs that hang around the stem and leaves. The plant seems to be doing ok but how do I get rid of it so the plant can thrive... By:Hahm21/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:26/02/2020 Lily Pilly - the best hedge ever Category:HedgesTopic: This isn't a question, I would just like to recommend the Lily Pilly as the perfect hedge or screen. I have around 4 different hedge locations, some are more screens to block our neighbours, others are more formal and lower. the Syzygium australe or Lili Pilly is perfect for all situations. it has very attractive glossy foliage, pretty creamy flowers, tasty fruits and it povides cover right down to ground level. Yes it does need trimming and it can get a few pests, but overall I'd say its as good as you can get. By:Ike de Bruin19/02/2020 Advice on flowering hedge for our front garden Category:HedgesTopic: Escallonia iveyi, Murraya paniculata or Osmanthus delavayi? Trying to choose a flowering hedge for our front garden to plant along a 1.2m high railing fence. We are in Victoria. I'm after a soft rather than a formal hedge, but still with dense, vibrant foliage, and that doesn't tend to become 'leggy'. Hoping not to have to prune it too much to keep it to around the 1.2-1.5m mark. I've seen full-grown examples of the Murraya about, and it looks lovely, but I'm concerned it will be a lot of work to keep to the desired height (although that may not be such an issue in this colder climate)? I've only seen the other two in images on the net (always so hard to judge what they are really like) or small individual plants for sale at the nursery (again, hard to picture what it will look like as a mature hedge in flower). Any advice would be welcome :) By:Nicole19/02/2020 Lawn dying? Lawn dying? Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Hi my lawn which is sir Walter buffalo grass appears to be dead in patches. I had some renovations done and sand left over which was mixed with organic soil and spread - this was a poor move clearly! Since then we had long dry period and now lots of rain but it’s not growing back. Is there anything that can be done?? Thankyou By:Begsy12317/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:17/02/2020 Hedges advice Category:Australian NativesTopic:Hedges Just looking for a some advice on what trees or shrubs to plant as a hedge. The area has clay soil so retains the water and is in full sun. Based in Victoria will act as a screen from neighbours By:Pauldraycott09/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Dahlia imperialis Dahlia imperialis Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Will Dahlia imperialis grow in Sydney. I saw some in Japan but its much cooler there. cheers By:Bob09/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Lilly pilly after this rain Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hey guys, Just planted these. And we have just had a lot of rain on the east coast. They are now losing all their leaves. See pics. Are they dead? By:JoshT08/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Can you help me find out what kind of citrus fruit tree I have? Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:What type of citrus tree is this The tree was planted by the last owners and they themselves said they didn't know what type of citrus this was. Last year was the first year that the tree actually produced fruit (after 8 years of living at the house) but I was on holiday and came home to a 3 or 4 rotten ones lying on the floor so couldn't identify them. Any help would be greatly appreciated By:AM125408/02/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Rhapis Palm scale infestation Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic: Hi, need advice on controlling a scale infestation on a Rhapis Palm. The palm lives in a large pot on an apartment balcony in full shade. I have been treating the infestation by spraying neem oil once a week for 8 weeks and removing the scale by hand, however the problem is not getting any better. The scale is covered in a white powdery substance that the ants love. Please any suggestions on how to tackle this? and ideal neem oil spray dilution rate. thank you in advance. Rachel By:Rachel Whiting30/01/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Clay soil Category:LandscapingTopic: Hey hope its going good, I've just been asked to break up a hard bed of clay under a rich top soil with a high content of decaying matter from the surrounding eucalyptus trees. the first 10cm or so is very loose and comes off with a spade easily but under that is an almost rock solid layer of soil that i use a steel pike to get through. i was wondering if there was any way to break up this layer of soil without having to remove the trees that are currently growing in it. the trees have been in for almost 2 years and haven't grown more than knee height. i suspect its due to the lack of root penetration through the soil. Cheers, Adam By:Adam Francis28/01/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Friendly neighbours for our tree ferns Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Tree fern planting ideas We have two beautiful tree ferns that have miraculously survived over the years in our Melbourne garden. I’m looking to plant something nearby to them to help screen our fence and also maybe give some shade to the tree ferns. I was thinking a Bangalow Palm or giant bird of paradise. I like the look of them but don’t know if they are appropriate or not. Any ideas!? :) By:adow198727/01/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Dwarf Lilly PIllies Scorched by Sydney Heat Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Acmena - Lilly Pilly A couple of weeks ago, the foliage of two Dwarf Lilly Pillies in our Sydney garden were scorched in the heat. Each tree is about 4 m tall and have been really healthy since they were planted 15 years ago. It reached about 45 deg C in the shade on that day, so it was probably about 55 deg C in the full sun. Since then, both trees have begun to drop all their leaves, which were burned to a crisp, not by fire, but just the heat of the day. There is no sign of any leaf regrowth yet. What are the chances of the two trees surviving this event? If they do survive, is there anything I can do to aid their recovery other than giving them plenty of water? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. By:Stephen Ambrose23/01/2020 Replies:1 Latest:09/02/2020 Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hey Lizel, They don’t like heavy pruning but respond well to topiary, which is generally just small scale shaping - e.g. spiral. So you should be fine. By:Webmaster30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Hardenbergia violacea Happy Wanderer Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants 2 Hey Jennifer, This is an Australian native so they do not like phosphorous in the fertiliser as it damages their roots. It sounds very much like you could have used the wrong type. (BushTucker by NeutroG is best). This could well be the reason for the leaf loss. The only thing you can try is a fertiliser with plenty of nitrogen in it (but no phosphorous). This will promote new leaf growth, but if the roots are past repair then it may just be too late. If in doubt always use Blood and Bone on natives. By:Webmaster30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Dais cotinifolia Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hey Jenny, Buds that do not open could be a symptom of many problems - so its best to take a cutting to your local nursery to discuss the conditions you are growing in. Some gardeners say that adding a 'Bloom Booster' fertiliser that has increased levels of phosphorous in it can help, but we disagree as the extra chemicals generally just go to waste or put your soil into imbalance. A 'tonic' like Seasol or other seaweed based products will always be best as they are rather benign, but boost bug and microbe populations in the soil which then in turn help release the natural elements for plants to take up. By:Webmaster30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Aechmea 'Blue Rain' Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Blue Rain Hi, my flower died a few months ago and there have been a couple of pups growing for a while now. Not sure about watering - should I continue watering into the well of the mother plant? Or just water the pups? By:Liadain30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Gymnostoma australianum from seeds Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please Hi guys, I have a daintree pine and was wondering if there is a specific way to start growing them from seed. Warm regards By:Jason30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Cupressus sempervirens Stricta - fire resistant Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please I am reading up on what trees are fire retardant and I came across an article that said that the mediterranean cypress wins hands down. Have you come across this and is this particle type the one they are talking about? By:Cherie30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Ulmus parvifolia Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Is Ulmus parvifolia allelopathic - ie. does it exude chemicals toxic to other plants? I am having great difficulty getting azaleas to grow under the canopy of a mature specimen. By:Peter30/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Blue tongue lizard eating tomatoes on the vine Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Advice please 2 Looking advice on a deterrent for blue tongue lizard climbing up tomato plants and eating the fruit By:Bill W28/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Pumpkin buds Pumpkin buds Category:VegetablesTopic:Pumpkin This is probably a dumb question, but are these things on my pumpkin plant flower pods? By:Anton19/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/12/2019 Sick Eumundi Quandong Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Sick plants Dear members, Help please! Am I overwatering my eumundi quandong or is something else going on? Beautiful and healthy when I planted them in new soil and container has plenty of drainage. Leaf tips are dead on existing growth. There is new growth coming in which is fine. By:Lycart09/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:14/12/2019 Sooty mould Sooty mould Category:Australian NativesTopic: I have a large established tree in my garden which I think is a bottlebrush of some kind (perhaps you can tell me what it is). Some of the upper branches are covered with a black, charcoal-like substance. Within the charcoal are shiny red bumps that look like sap. Is this a plant disease of some kind? See photo. As far as I know, the tree has not been set on fire or anything. Most of the other branches are fine and the tree seems otherwise healthy. It is currently flowering with fuzzy purple flowers. By:Brendan07/12/2019 Replies:1 Latest:08/12/2019 Yellow leaves on lemon tree. Help please Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon Hi all, please see photo. I’m wondering if anyone can tell me why some of the leaves on my lemon tree are turning yellow? Thank you By:BecE26/11/2019 Replies:1 Latest:06/12/2019 Best lavender for hedging - not woody Category:LandscapingTopic:Best lavender for hedging - not woody Hi there, Just after some advice on the best lavender to use for a planting in front of a Murraya hedge. I don’t want something that will look woody in time. To be planted in a dry area of Victoria. Thanks! By:Jem10/11/2019 Replies:2 Latest:14/11/2019 Duranta repens - new growth Category:Topic: I have a Duranta Repen how do I stimulate new growth branches from the lower part of the tree I have cut some branches and they have not grown back . thanks By:Jent13/10/2019 Replies:1 Latest:25/10/2019 Ceanothus x Blue Pacific - propagating Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please We would like to have more Blue Pacific in our garden so have tried to get cuttings to strike. No luck no matter what we do, are we wasting our time trying. Should we just buy a new plant. By:Maureen11/10/2019 Replies:1 Latest:11/10/2019 Lilly Pilly - gone yellow Lilly Pilly - gone yellow Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Advice please My Lily Pilly hedge that has been planted about two years is really yellow in colour and not growing. Some of the plants that were looking ok are now turning yellow. hedge on drippers with regular water. By:Kyrie04/10/2019 Replies:1 Latest:14/10/2019 Pittosporum Pittosporum Category:Topic: I have a driveway hedge of James Stirling (approx 20 yrs old) that has deteriorated in the past 6 mths. It was trimmed up in March, other than that we don't touch it. I believe the middle tree is dead and I can see the 2 on the left deteriorating and drying out rapidly. What has happended here? Can I save the trees on the left and prevent this happening to the 2 on the right? By:Lisa10/09/2019 Replies:1 Latest:19/09/2019 South facing garden South facing garden Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic: Suggestions for plants under 1m in a south facing garden 2m x 6m at front of house. Full sun 3 months, summer. Full shade rest of year. Planting suggestions? Have considered Agave foxtail but not sure if enough full sun. By:Jen07/09/2019 Replies:1 Latest:19/09/2019 Pyracantha - Firethorn Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please Where can I buy pyracantha. Seems this old fashioned shrub is now hard to find.I would like yellow, red and red berry plants. By:Lorraine Anne Edelkamp28/08/2019 Replies:1 Latest:03/09/2019 Garlic bulbs Category:HerbsTopic: I have stored garlic bulbs in the fridge and now they have green shoots about 2-3 cm long. What is the best to do when I want to plant them in my garden? By:Irmgard Robinson10/06/2019 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2019 Agonis Flexuosa Agonis Flexuosa Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants i have an Agonis tree that has been in ground for 2 years and always been healthy. Recently its leaves have gone very dry and curled. cant see any pests or fungus on them. Tree is watered quite regularly and the ground seems very moist. has in ground ag pipe for watering. I did about 8 months ago re-stake the tree about 200mm from trunk which i didint think would cause any issues. Any advice would be great. By:david greaves21/04/2019 Replies:1 Latest:30/04/2019 Alternative hedging Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic: A few years ago we planted 20meters of clumping bamboo trees along our pool to give us privacy from our neighbour who's backyard veranda overlooks our backyard. The bamboo looks great however they drop a lot of leaves (something we did not know at the time of planting and after consultation with a horticulturalist). Is there any other tree or large bush that we could replace these with that grows around 4 - 6 meters and doesn't drop leaves or flowers? By:Felicity Bylhouwer23/02/2019 Replies:1 Latest:08/03/2019 Aechmea gamosepala Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Got a plant 4 years ago. 3 blooms and 13 pups later, this is a very happy camper. Splitting the pups today into long planters to form a little hedge. Wish I had a tree I could plant it on ... By:nandine29/01/2019 Aechmea gamosepala - going gangbusters Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Got a plant 4 years ago. 3 blooms and 13 pups later, this is a very happy camper. Splitting the pups today into long planters to form a little hedge. Wish I had a tree I could plant it on ... By:nandine29/01/2019 Replies:1 Latest:29/01/2019 Finger Lime Blues Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I Have a grafted Ricks Red finger lime that I purchased about 5 years ago. I am in Melbourne. The plant is in a large pot. Plenty of green leaves and red tips to end of branches, I have tried the magnesium fertilising thing a couple of time, seems to make it flower prolifically but flowers are not showing fruit this year, and just die off. I have 1 fruit left on it from last year - it just sits there not growing, currently it is around 1.75 cm long and hanging in there where I stare at it every morning It lives mostly in sun after around 10am. It is watered every 2nd day or daily when whether is hot (over 35 degrees C) Should I shift it to a place more shaded. Or is there something really wrong By:macleod20/01/2019 Replies:3 Latest:09/01/2022 Propating Xerochrysum bracteatum syn. B Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Hi I have seen mention of propagation from cuttings , as the flowers are prolific I cannot see any Woody shoots to use. Should I cut the flower off before taking the cutting Thank you David By:David04/01/2019 Replies:1 Latest:07/03/2019 Hakea droopy branches Hakea droopy branches Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please Hello, I have a Hakea that appears t be very healthy. However, its branches are typically droopy, and quite heavy. I have had to resort to holding it up with stakes etc to stop it falling over. Could someone let me know whether I should cut the long branches back, find another way of staking it or ??? I have attached a couple of photos, and any help would be appreciated. Thank you! By:Sally07/11/2018 Replies:1 Latest:21/01/2019 Grevillea x Hills Jubilee growing from seed Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Grevillea I have seed pods. Have put gauze bags around them. Anything special about smoke of hot water for germination. Want to have a go at growing a bush myself. Shelagh By:Shelagh05/11/2018 Replies:1 Latest:05/11/2018 Aechmea Blue Rain Safe with Cats Aechmea Blue Rain Safe with Cats Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Blue Rain Hi guys, i have a cat, and i will like to know, I hope its not poisoning my cat? :) By:Nerijus02/11/2018 Replies:1 Latest:02/11/2018 Agonis flexuosa Variegata in Clay? Agonis flexuosa Variegata in Clay? Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please I am wanting to put in an agonis flexuosa and we are coastal on significantly heavy clay. Do you think it will do ok or should we go for something else? Will it survive or just be slower to grow? I would put in gypsum and compost etc on the hole to help. Thanks!!! By:Amanda Bolt28/10/2018 Replies:1 Latest:28/10/2018 Pyrostegia venusta Roots Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Invasive Roots I have a fence that is very near to my biocycle system...less than 1 meter. I need privacy on this fence and was thinking of growing pyrostegia on the fence....will it develop a large root system that may compromise my biocycle tanks ?? By:Chris22/10/2018 Replies:1 Latest:22/10/2018 Hardenbergia violacea Happy Wanderer Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic: Hardenbergia prefers a frost free garden but will tolerate a short mild frost. If the area you live is frost prone this is not the plant for you. Have you thought about either a Grevillea Poorinda Royal Mantle or Grevillea Bronze Rambler - both are frost tolerant and will grow 30cm tall and up to 4m wide. By:Annie07/10/2018 Suggestions for Shady Area Suggestions for Shady Area Category:Topic: Hi, I'm looking for a plant for my front patio. Any suggestions on what would meet these criteria would be appreciated! - outdoors (East facing) but always in FULL SHADE - perrenial - low maintenance - fit comfortably in a 45 cm square pot (not too big root structure that would outgrow pot) - preferably flowering - attractive year round (inc when not flowering) I'm thinking of Camelia Japonica, Fiddle Leaf (but not flowering)... or maybe while Lobelia. Any other ideas? Thanks! By:Anna May04/10/2018 Replies:1 Latest:09/10/2018 Whats this shrub? Whats this shrub? Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Syzygium - Lilly Pilly Please help identifying this hedge plant By:AK27/08/2018 Replies:1 Latest:27/08/2018 Propagating Juniperus squamata Prostrata Category:PropagationTopic:Cuttings Will they grow from cuttings ? By:Carmen Waddell13/08/2018 Replies:1 Latest:13/08/2018 Callitris rhomboidea Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Pruning I have a hedge of Callitris rhomboidea which I need to trim about 15 years old. It has never been trimmed before and I am not sure how hard I can cut it back. Will it resprout from old wood? By:Jane17/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/07/2018 Hedera canariensis Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Growing Conditions Hi, Will this plant survive the cold in Taupo ? Thanks By:Steve Coe17/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/07/2018 Aechmea Pup Flowering Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Blue Rain Hi, Thanks for your useful info I've followed them all. I got my blue rain last year and followed your instructions of the rip apple method. There are 3 little pups now and I've been watering them and separate them from their mother pups which finally died completely after 5 months time. So now my question is how long would it take for the little pups flower again? Thanks! By:Mai17/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/07/2018 Alcantarea Imperialis Powdery Mould Category:BromeliadsTopic: Hi, our Bromeliad has started to get a white powdery mould on its leaves that appears to be eating away at the leaves. Any advice? Cheers Garry By:Garry17/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/07/2018 Callistemon Mauve Mist Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Callistemon My Mauve Mist Callistemon has never flowered the bush is growing very well lovely green leaves rather tall bush, in a sunny position. No flowers been in ground for several years. By:Helen Hunt11/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:11/07/2018 Hardenbergia violacea Happy Wanderer Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Invasive Roots I’ve been told the happy wanderer has very invasive roots. Is this correct ? I was intending to plant mine near a retaining wall but am now hesitant. Are they best planted in pots to avoid damage ? By:Sammy09/07/2018 Replies:1 Latest:09/07/2018 Pruning Acacia iteaphylla Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please What is the best time & method of pruning Acacia iteaphylla? Can you help please. By:Ron24/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:24/06/2018 Wall Mounted Pelargoniums Wall Mounted Pelargoniums Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Handy Hints i was visiting Spain recently and marvelled at how they love their Pelargoniums there, making fabulous displays everywhere. I especially liked this idea for hanging them on the wall that I saw in Cordoba - very neat. By:Evan Webster19/06/2018 Aechmea New Pups Re-Potting Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea I have a few Aechmea, some of which have developed 'pups' along side the main plant which seems to be still very healthy. Is it safe to break them off and re-pot them now? By:Ian K18/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:18/06/2018 Treated Pine for Raised Veggie Beds Category:LandscapingTopic:Treated pine I have read that you can't use treated pine for raised veggie beds. But that makes it very difficult or expensive to build one as that only leaves hard wood, that would last. By:Graeme17/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Ficus Pumila in Shady Location? Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Hiding Eyesores How do you think a Ficus pumila will go on a shady, south facing wall? I am after something that will hide a very unattractive corrugated fibre-cement fence (Old Super 66 fence). Have tried a climbing hydrangea which failed and now need to try something else .. maybe this is worth a try? By:Fiona17/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Shadehouse Location Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Sun/shade I am contemplating putting a shadehouse on the eastern side of my house which does not receive much sun throughout the day. Will this be ok or is it preferrable for a shadehouse to receive as much direct sunlight as possible? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. By:Anita14/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Weedkiller for Santa Anna Lawn Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Cannot find any details regarding my large Santa Anna lawn which this year is full of different weeds. How can i eradicate weeds without destroying my lawn like I used to be able to do? By:John Pelling11/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:11/06/2018 Hanging Baskets Idea Category:Handy HintsTopic: I discovered a new use for babies nappies, new ones of course. They make a perfect liner on top of the coir in a hanging basket. They absorb huge amounts of water, keeping it available for the plants above without waterlogging their roots. By:Terry08/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Aechmea Blue Rain - Pup Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Blue Rain My blue rain has got a pup but the mother has not died, it is still in flower what do I do By:Anita08/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Bottlebrush?? Bottlebrush?? Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Callistemon Whats this? Looks like some sort of bottlebrush to me, but I thought you Aussies might have a better idea of which variety it is. By:Geoff07/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Tuckeroo fertiliser Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Advice please Does anyone know the best fertiliser for Cupaniopsis anacardioides - otherwise known as the Tuckeroo. I have 3 and want to give them a bit of up and go. By:Adam06/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:06/06/2018 Aechmea Blue Rain - cold winters Category:BromeliadsTopic:Aechmea Blue Rain I really like these flowers. I was wondering where I can buy these at? Was also wondering being as we are 4b on the climate zone if they can be placed outside during the summer here being it's hot and humid during the summers and then placed indoors for the winter? By:Butch06/06/2018 Replies:1 Latest:06/06/2018 Finger limes Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I have a finger lime grown in a container it is now about 5ft and produced some blossoms that developed into fruit only to fall off. l would appreciate any clues to as why as it does seem to like where it is growing. By:Heather26/03/2014 Replies:1 Latest:05/06/2018 Lilly Pilly in pots Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Advice please Hi, I have recently purchased a number of lilly pillies and placed them in some very large pots around the house. I live in North Queensland and the plants get full sun for about half the day due to the different sides of the house the plants are located (East, West and North). The plants are all established (bought that way) and are about 1.5 metres tall. The soil they are planted in is a lose loam with small rocks on top (to aid water retention). I use seasol and a slow release fertilzer and the pots (square and rectangular) have holes in the bottom for drainage. I have already trimmed them once and do tip pruning. The plants are yet to flower and are responding well to the light pruning. I have put in confidor pellets for pests but have had scale and black soot which I am treating with confidor spray and white oil. I intend on keeping them in the pots so I was wondering how often should I water the plants as a guide?. At the present I water deeply once every three to four days but it gets hot in summer here. I have heard that you can overwater lilly pilly's but I know pots dry out faster. Also will keeping the lilly pillys in pots effect thier roots, growth and could they split the pots (cement over fibreglass)?. Thanks By:Max Payne21/09/2013 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Tilia europea Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Wanted HI, I have been searching to buy a Tilia Europea (linden lime or common linden tree) but so far no luck. Do you know who in Australia might have it for sale. Thanks Boryana By:Boryana02/07/2013 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Mint types Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please Whats the best type of mint to grow for cooking - there seem to be so many. By:Curtis19/06/2013 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Orange Bells - what plant is this? Orange Bells - what plant is this? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General Anyone who knows what this is ? Very pretty but I've no idea what its called. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance By:Jessie07/03/2013 Replies:1 Latest:07/03/2013 Fleshy Foliage - what plant is this? Fleshy Foliage - what plant is this? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Groundcover I love these and I'd like to buy some but don't know what to ask for at the nursery. Can anyone help please? By:Jerry07/03/2013 Replies:1 Latest:18/06/2018 White flower - what is this? White flower - what is this? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Can anyone help me please - I've searched high and low but can't seem to find out what this flower is. By:Geraldine07/03/2013 Replies:2 Latest:20/02/2020 Kangaroo Paw Seedlings Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Kangaroo paws I have sown some Kangaroo Paw seeds and they have started to shoot (about 1 inch tall now). At what point should I transfer them to separate pots, they seem too fragile to touch at the moment. By:Jillo05/03/2013 Replies:1 Latest:01/06/2018 Begonias Begonias Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Shade plants Hello, I've been given this very unusual Begonia which I've planted in a semi-shaded position and it seems to be doing quite well but it hasn't flowered yet. As you can see it has amazing foliage - does anyone know which Begonia this is please? By:ContactMan16/11/2012 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Duff Daffs Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Flowers I planted a big bag of daffodils back in early July and less then half flowered. Lots of foliage but not a lot of flowers. Any ideas what went wrong? By:Sharon17/09/2012 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Drainage and recycling in one Drainage and recycling in one Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Re-potting Instead of adding stones to pots for crocks to help drainage, I chop up some small, woody hedge trimmings. They do the job just as well as crocks and eventually they'll break down. Very eco friendly By:Connor17/09/2012 Lemongrass Category:HerbsTopic:Planting When is a good time to get some Lemongrass going? Can you raise it from seeds? I don't see any in your shop so I'm assuming you have to buy seed or seedlings. Is that right? By:Mr Moo17/09/2012 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Gardenia leaves yellowing Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants Can you tell me what to do about my gardenia leaves going yellow please? Many thanks! By:Ms.Gamine30/08/2008 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Star Jasmine Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Sick plants 2 I have a star jasmine in trouble. The leaves start out deep green but slowly turn yellow and, in time, red. It still flowers but doesn't look well. It's about 7 years old and this only happened in the last year. From all the literature, I can't figure out exactly what it might be. I've fed it and mulched but nothing works. Please HELP! By:Jossy25/04/2008 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 No Bending Weeder Category:Tools & MachineryTopic:Weeding Does anyone know of a tool for weeding for those who cannot bend down - e.g. you can do it standing up?? I'd heard about the 'Grandpa's Weeder' but it seems that it isn't available anymore. By:Jason Drummoyne01/01/2008 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Natural pesticide Category:Handy HintsTopic:Pests and diseases Does any one know how to make a natural pesticide for a veggie patch? all veggies covered in grubs, bugs and anything else that can crawl!! By:Sonia15/10/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Ants, Rats, Snakes in your lawn, garden Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Handy Hints Peel an oinion, cut in four pieces, place each piece in your Lawn to dig 2/3 inches each 3 yards apart along the borders of your Lawn. For a bigger Lawn, place diagonal as well. By the time you have a cup of tea, the ants have disappeared. By:B. Shah15/09/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Hollyhock issues! HELP! Hollyhock issues! HELP! Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants I moved my Hollyhocks to a part of my garden where they would get more water on a regular basis. They have so far done well and are bigger and fuller then they ever were. But, about two weeks ago I noticed something appeared to be nesting on the underside of the leaves. There were hundreds on each leave- about the size of a pinhead and rust in color. They do not appear to be any of the typical Hollyhock diseases. I cut off each infested leave and threw it in the garbage. The interesting part is I have tons of other perennials in the same area and none of them are affected- just my hollyhocks. There are other plants in between my hollyhocks and they are fine- whatever it is simply liked the hollyhocks. Any ideas? Thanks! By:Beth29/07/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Growing Out Topiary Category:LandscapingTopic:Topiary My NZ Christmas Tree has been shaped topiary style. Can these be left to grow out successfully so that they only need a general trim each year to produce a more natural form? By:carole24/06/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Preparing Rocky Clay Soil Category:LandscapingTopic:Soil I have recently had some construction done and my back yard, which is mostly shady, is now compacted clay with lots and lots of rocks and pebbles embedded in the soil. What's the best way to clear out the rock and pebbles and amend the soil so I can plant (azaleas, hostas, liriope, and some annuals)? By:Newtogardening07/05/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Replanting Bulbs Outside Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Planting Hello - I am a novice when it comes to gardening, so I am hoping you all may be able to help me. I recently received a basket of spring flowers; daffodils, hyacinth, tulips, crocus - it's just beautiful. The problem is, I don't know how to replant the flowers outside. I live in southern Wisconsin, so it will still be a few weeks before the ground is thawed. In the meantime, the flowers are fading, and I am not sure what to do with it at this point. Will I have to put them in the refrigerator for a while, or can I continue to just keep them watered and replant when it's warm enough? Is there any way possible I can get them to bloom again this spring after replanting outside? Do I separate the bulbs or replant as is? Thanks for your help! By:Trish16/03/2007 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 A Safe Way to Kill Off Ferns Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Removal I need to remove a great deal of fern that i have growing up the side of my driveway. Whats the best way to remove it so it wont grow back and not harm and trees that are next to it ? I don't know if i should pull it all out, or spray some poison first then pull it out a few days later? What should i do? I want all the fern gone as its taken over all the length of my driveway. By:Emma24/09/2006 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Care of Orchids Category:OrchidsTopic:Advice please I have recently bought 5 lovely flowering orchids (cymbidium I think) and would like to know the correct way to care for them. they all have lovely spikes and flowers at the moment but what about when they stop flowering, where do I keep them and how do I take care of them even in non-productive times. regards Jenny By:Jenny07/09/2006 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Jersey Royals ? - Potatoes Category:VegetablesTopic:Potatoes I recently went to England,( May ) and in the supermarket we bought some Jersey Royal new potatoes which were the best potaoes I have tasted for ages. Are they available here as seed potatoes or failing that does anyone know of a very similar type, pleeaase..! By:Cris11/08/2006 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Blacks spots on camellia leaves Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Sick plants I have just planted a hedge of white sassanqua camellia in full sun. I have noticed that some of the leaves have black spots on them. I was wondering what might be causing this and if there is anything i should do to keep them well? By:Hayley14/04/2006 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Apple Tree Pollination Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I've bought 2 apple trees. One is a Golden Delicious and the other is a Red Delicious. Apparently 2 varieties are required for proper pollination. My question is are these 2 trees considered different varieties?? Thank you. By:Chris01/04/2006 Replies:1 Latest:05/06/2018 Chilli Water Category:Handy HintsTopic:Pests and diseases I like to soak chilli seeds in water for a few days - apart from making a good splash-on addition to spice up your food, its also an excellent pest deterrent. Things like aphids hate it - yet its a cheap and easy solution, just add a little washing up liquid and spray on. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. If you wipe your eyes with chilli water on your hands you'd curse me to kingdom come. By:Grant Arthurs16/03/2006 Zygopetalum orchid Category:OrchidsTopic:Advice please Wanting to know if this type of orchid is best grown indoors and if it does better outside what type of conditions it needs in regard to how much sun, water and how and when to fertilize. Is it frost tender? By:linda summerell14/03/2006 Replies:1 Latest:16/10/2018 Ranuncula Care Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:General What is the best way to care for blooming Ranunculas - I have lots of blooms but the foliage is browning and I'm concerned they might not flower again next year. By:ann radzienda08/02/2006 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Dog Problem Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Advice please Im fighting an ongoing battle with a 12yr old border collie who either digs up, digs huge holes near or urinates on most of my plants. Any ideas for a solution? Ive tried "keepoff" spray and "Deter" but neither worked. By:Linda26/01/2006 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Compost Content Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Composting I am thinking about making a compost heap and using kitchen waste/scraps ect. My question is, would the absorbent pads that come in meat trays and the like, be suitable to throw in to the compost to act as water retainers when dug into the veggie patch. By:Genia25/10/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Silver Birch in Pots Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Silver birch What's the best way to grow silver birch tree's to advanced (6'+)stage in pot's to plant out later.?? Any advice would be appreciated. Len. P.S. Is this the best way to grow big/quickly.? By:len22/10/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Streptocarpus Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers I would like to grow some Streptocarpus plants, but can-not find any source of seed, plants, or leaves for propagation. By:Blackbird13/10/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Staghorn Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Sick plants I have a staghorn fern that has a disease. Seems to attack around where the new leaves come out, seems to cut the leaves off before they have a chance to grow. There seems to be a furry type substance around it as well. Can you tell me if there is anything that I can buy to help me with this one. Thank you for your help. By:Dawn Kruger27/09/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Planting Trees from Pots Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Acmena - Lilly Pilly I have some Lilli Pilli in pots - Acmeni smithii - that were sited to provide a screen. I have now moved and could plant them in the ground but I wonder if that will be successful or if there roots will not develop. They are in pots around 500mm deep and are approx 1 metre high. By:Kathy11/09/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Pumpkin varieties Category:VegetablesTopic:Pumpkin About 40 years my father was able to buy a type of pumpkin called a Banana Pumpkin. Has anyone heard of them or knows where you can buy the seeds? By:Janice Leonard21/08/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Moving an established Camellia japonica Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Camellia I would like to know 1) if it possible to move an established camellia as it was originally planted in the wrong spot and has grown to block a window 2) when the best time is in Victoria to attempt the task By:Natalie15/07/2005 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Growing Parsley Category:HerbsTopic:Planting I'm having problems growing parsley. I planted a little parsley plant from the nursery along with basil and a chili plant back last spring. Both the chili and basil really took off, but for some reason the parsley didn't. It didn't grow and just turned yellow. I bought a "self watering" pot which has a reservoir below the main pot. It keeps the water and is supposed to reduce the need for watering. In saying that I would water regularly and it was in a well lit area. Is too much water a problem or did I plant the wrong herbs together or just too many in the one pot???? Any suggestions??? By:Jake14/06/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Mushrooms in my Lawn Category:WeedsTopic:Lawns and groundcover How can we stop mushrooms growing in our lawn? By:Charles16/05/2005 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Raising Garden Soil Levels Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please Hi, We have a long hedge in our back garden at the bottom of a slope. We were thinking of leveling off the garden slope with the addition of a load of topsoil. But this would mean an extra foot or so of soil over the hedge, covering some lower branches and leaves and making it harder for the water to get to the roots. I was wondering if you could give me advice on this. Will the hedge survive? Not sure of the exact variety of hedge, but it is native to Northern Ireland. Thank you very much in advance for your help on this. Peter By:Peter26/04/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Flowering Tobacco - poisonous? Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers Hello, I have some seeds for the very fragrant tobacco flower. I also have an inquisitive puppy. Can both co-habit in my front yard? I have been told tobacco flower is poisonous, but is it poisonous for dogs? Will it just make them vomit a bit, or is it deadly? By:theresa15/03/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Bonsai Azalea Bonsai Azalea Category:BonsaiTopic:Examples to share I saw this Bonsai Azalea at a garden show recently and its truly amazing - I felt a need to share it. Hope you like it. By:Joaquin27/02/2005 Rotational Planting Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please I have set up a vegetable garden with six raised beds. I am now at the stage of the end of my first season, and would like some comments on rotational planting, with ideas on what to follow on from what. Know some, but not all. By:.23/02/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Best Pruning Time Category:RosesTopic:Pruning When should i prune my roses? By:roonup21/01/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Sandy Backyard Category:LandscapingTopic:Getting Started I will be moving into my newly built home very soon. The front will be landscaped professionally with waterwise plants and winter green roll on lawn. My question is....what do I do with a back yard of only sand. Where do I start? My preferences are natives and very little lawn. Something nice to look at from the alfresco area and big windows. By:Bonnie11/01/2005 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Nettles Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please I am having terrible trouble with nettles under some fruit trees. No matter how much I weed them up, mow them, spray them they just keep coming back! Is there a sure fire way to get rid of them or am I stuck with them for life! My husband says that nettles are a sign of good soil but I always thought they were a sign of poor soil - who is right? By:Samantha10/01/2005 Replies:1 Latest:16/10/2018 Looking for Mature Elm to Transplant Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Wanted Our company is looking for an English or Dutch Elm - 200 to 250 mm in diameter. We wish to transplant it from its home to a large development in the Melbourne CBD. Needs to be a great specimen and access for bobcat, machinery. We can provide a payment for the right tree. By:Scott B11/12/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Weed in Buffalo Lawn Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please My lawn is mostly buffalo and I have Bindi (I think) and broad leaf weeds. The Broad Leaf weeds are easy to remove by hand but how do I remove the Bindi? Sprays I've looked at tell you not to use on Buffalo. Can you recommend anything? By:Tom25/10/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Trumpet Tree? Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please I have seen a small tree that has very large trumpet shaped flowers on it that face vertically downward. The color of the flowers that I have seen are peach. Do you know what the name of this plant is? By:Trista Ross10/10/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Aphids on my Cucumbers Category:VegetablesTopic:Cucumbers I've recently started a vege patch (raised beds). After 2 attempts at cucumber seedlings I feel devastated at what the aphids have done. The other veges are doing ok - just the cucumber seedlings. I've sprayed with several things: *chilli & garlic, *strong detergent/water, *pyrethrum, *white oil, *even sprinkled freshly ground coffee no avail. The capsicum and chilli seedlings appear to be very slow. Could it be too cold for them? Lastly, I've been liquid fertilising with Magic Gro every week - am I overdoing it? Gill By:Gill06/09/2004 Replies:1 Latest:01/06/2018 Cumquat tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants I'm a novice gardener and have received a cumquat tree. The leaves have now (July) started turning a bit yellow. Is that normal? The tree is producing lots of fruit and they are ripening well. By:Ruth07/08/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Yellow Cucumbers Category:VegetablesTopic:Cucumbers i'm trying to grow European cucumbers...the plants seem to be great, but some of the new fruit is turning yellow, could you let me know if this is suppose to happen? Thank-you........ By:Christine11/07/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Cosmos not blooming Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers After about a month and a half, my cosmos are huge but don't have any blossoms. I read that they don't bloom in over fertilised soil. Is there any way to 'UN-fertilise' my soil? By:Jen18/06/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Propagating Clivias Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Planting Would someone be able to tell me how to propagate clivias from seed? or can it only be done by division? Do I wait until the seed pod is red, crack it open to dry out the seeds and then plant the seeds in spring? I tried drying the red seed pod (whole) and planting it but it didn't work. Thanks By:Emily Pink07/04/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Bigger Hostas Bigger Hostas Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Shade plants Hey Folks, I have approximately 50 hostas and I don't want to divide them, just make them larger. What would you suggest? By:Greg Kemp02/04/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Legal? Oriental Poppies Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers I have been given some seeds of Oriental Poppies (mixed colours) I have propagated them and they are as far as secondary leaves. I cannot find any info on growing them BUT did find on another Australian site that you require a license to grow or sell them! I'm a bit concerned I may have been lovingly growing little seeds I cannot plant out! HELP please Most Grateful Debbie By:Debbie30/03/2004 Replies:1 Latest:01/06/2018 Glossy Abelia - Planting Width Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Abelia Hello I am new here, great site by the way. i hope someone can tell me how far apart do I plant the Glossy Abelia? I just bought 3 - height at moment about 50cm and width 45cm. I plan to use them behind /next to pond that is placed in corner of garden. I see they may become 2metere high, which suit us as it will suit fence height. By:chezclaire14/02/2004 Replies:1 Latest:08/06/2018 Sick Cycad Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Sick plants I have a cycad that has just replaced all it's old fronds with new growth. These new fronds seem to be diseased. It looks like all the leaves are curling and are kind of white underneath. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? By:Kaye05/02/2004 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Lavender Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please Can anyone tell me about the best type of lavender to dry? How and when (stage of plant) to dry it? Thanks. By:Violet23/01/2004 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Caterpillars on Crinum Lilies Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests Is there an effective systemic insecticide for controlling spodoptera caterpillars on swamp lilies (crinum)? I am using pyrethrum sprays but the caterpillars keep coming back in droves and are causing horrific damage. I am thinking of using Rogor but am unsure of effectiveness. Am looking for a "wipeout" solution. Anyone? By:jeremy07/01/2004 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Damaged bark Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Sick plants I have just planted sapling trees of mulberry and a grafted peach/nectarine tree. Unfortunately, my dog has attacked both trees and chewed a couple off branches off each and also ripped some bark off both trunks. Can anyone advise me if there is anyway to prevent disease from getting into stripped bark and whether or not the trees will in fact recover and grow normally? Thanks for your help. Sarah Watts By:Sarah Watts12/10/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Leylandii Leighton Green Conifers Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Leylandii I have just planted 12 leighton green conifers along the backfence which faces west. Any suggestions for what type of small plants I could plant in front of these trees that would make them not look so bare? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. By:Kate01/10/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Orchid Planting Query Category:OrchidsTopic:Getting started Could someone please tell me why you don't plant orchids in the ground? I have never seen this done. By:Hayley13/09/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Maple Trees Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please What type of plants if any can grow under maple trees? Everything I planted under the tree either has stunted growth or just kind of dies off. By:wisconsin27/08/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Hostas and Sunlight Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Shade plants Can Hostas grow successfully in full sun or do they need to be grown in partial sun to full shade? I use to have some that had west sun from noon to sun down and they were very nice, now I am hoping to plant some in full sun. By:wisconsin27/08/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Russel Lupins Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers I am looking for Russell Lupin seeds - any ideas where I might get them? or does anyone have some seeds I can buy? I will pay postage. By:Samantha25/08/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Tomato Fruit Fly Category:VegetablesTopic:Pests Arrhhh.... fruit fly in my tomato plants can you help me stop it this year!!... is there any natural ways to stop this?.. what are the best and safest chemical way??...thank you By:Me01/08/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Clay Soil and Harsh Winds Category:LandscapingTopic:Soil i have an area by a shed that is very poor clay, it is exposed to all the winds especialy the hot northerly and strong easterly at times. I want to plant some tall shrubs to hide the shed and act as a bit of a wind break, any ideas? (pref natives) By:Ali13/06/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Ground Cover Under Pines Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Sun/shade I have just inherited a garden in dire need of renovation on a property outside Oberon. There are two large pine trees that I would like to have at least ground cover or something larger under - any suggestions? By:Samantha28/04/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Fragrant Poplar Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Poplar When I was in England, I came across the most delicious smelling poplar. I think it may have had 'Balsalm' in the common name. I didn't ever see the tree so I don't know what it looked like, but the foliage smelled glorious and lasted ages in a vase. I would like to plant one/some in my tree paddock in Oberon if anyone knows where I could get them. By:Samantha28/04/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Companion Planting Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:General I am planning a herbacious border in my newly inherited garden in Oberon and would like to try companion planting. Plants will need to be wind hardy which narrows down my range! but would love to be able to companion plant. By:Samantha28/04/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Spanish Shawl Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Wanted I was wondering where in South Australia I would be able to buy a ground cover called Spanish Shawl from. My local nursery had never heard of it By:Jen15/03/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Flat Leafed Parsley Category:HerbsTopic:Planting I have been given some flat leafed parsley seeds to sow. Is there a certain time I should sow these seeds or is any time good and how do i go about sowing them successfully. By:Briget09/03/2003 Replies:1 Latest:12/06/2018 Fountain Grass - Pennisetum alopecuroides Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Sick plants Has anyone any suggestions as to why my Pennisetum grass, at least two years old has not bloomed? By:JH05/03/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Tree Roots Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Sick plants A garden bed, close to a casuarina and nearby to poplars, is filled with a mat of fine roots. Nothing has grown well in the bed, although getting plenty of sun, as the plants always seems short of water. Are the trees the culprits? By:JH05/03/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Rhubarb Toxicity Category:VegetablesTopic:Rhubarb I read that rhubarb leaves are toxic. Can they be put on the garden or compost to rot without problems? By:JRH02/02/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Australian Hibiscus Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Sun/shade Will Australian Hibiscus grow in the dappled shade under a large gum? By:jrh02/02/2003 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Soil Water Retention Category:LandscapingTopic:Soil Is there a way to build up the water-retention properties of a no-dig garden? The water runs through the layers very quickly and the plants wilt each day. By:JH11/01/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Arum Green Goddess Lilies Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Sick plants My green goddess lilies have died off and do not seem to be responding to extra watering. Could they have died completely because of lack of water earlier? By:JH10/01/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Strawberry Plants Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I am a new gardener and would like to know about strawberries. I have plants in an old toilet bowl and they are setting runners after a very fruitful season. When can I shift them from this container? when can I plant out the runners? will they fruit as well as the parent plant? what is the best soil for them? I hope someone can help me with these questions. Colleen By:Colleen02/01/2003 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Garden Beds against Dampcourse Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please In designing a new garden I want to place garden beds along the external house walls. I am seeking advice as to the construction and placement of the beds in relation to the damp course. For example, do I need to raise or lower the beds and what preventative measures should I take? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou By:Jenny29/12/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Looking for Herb Seeds Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please I have only become interested in growing herbs this year and the difference between fresh picked and the bought stuff is amazing. I have quite a few of the more popular herbs growing like Basil, Tarragon, Thyme etc, but after months of searching (eg Bunnings Warehouse) I have never seen the following, either in Punnets or seeds. Bay leaf, Chamomile, Caraway. I would be grateful if someone may suggest where I may obtain some of these. Thank you By:Rob27/12/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Water Run-Off in Dry Weather Category:LandscapingTopic:Soil When there is prolonged dry weather any water you might add to your garden often either runs off at surface level or just does not soak into the soil. This is due to the surface tension of the water and a lack of organic ingredients in the soil (called hydrophobic soil). The quickest way to help your plants AND SAVE WATER is to use a soil wetter or Wetting Agent. This breaks down the surface tension of the water and allows it to soak into the soil and get to the roots - which of course is your main objective. Most importantly, the water you do add to your garden is more effective - and as a result you'll definitely use less. There are a few different types of soil wetters on the market - some are a thick liquid - a bit like washingup liquid - and you can also get it in hose on bottles and as granules to sprinkle over the soil and water in. By:Jake23/11/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Evaporation from Water Features Category:Water GardensTopic:Sun/shade When you have water features in your garden its very important to keep them topped up during dry weather. But its also good to not waste water. With this in mind I suggest that providing shade is the best protective measure that will minimise evaporation. The best sort of shade is natural plant life and water lilies are excellent on ponds - but if you have no organic shade then try a shadecloth cover. You can stretch it over the water and it will definitely help keep the surface temperature down and therefore minimse evaporation. By:Grace Bentleigh23/11/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Shade Good for Fish Too Shade Good for Fish Too Category:Water GardensTopic:Sun/shade Shade isn't just good for keeping evaporation down - its also vital for your fish. So many folks are making water gardens these days - but they are mostly not deep enough so the water heats up much more quickly - especially if there is little or no shade. I reckon more garden fish die of broiling than any other ailment. By:Clancy Shepherd23/11/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Drying Gladiolii Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Planting What do I do to preserve my Gladiola bulbs for the winter. Everytime I try, they either dry out or they get mouldy. I have put them in plastic case in my garage (they get moldy) and I have hung them in a bag in the basement (they dry out).. By:JJW12/11/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Petunias in Hanging Baskets Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Sun/shade I want to grow Petunias in some hanging baskets I have but as they are in the shadow of the eaves they do not get a lot of direct sunlight. I understand Petunias need direct sun. This seems to be a problem with hanging baskets as they need something to hang from and that is bound to create shade - am I missing something here? By:Diana23/10/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Cat Friendly Weed Killer Category:WeedsTopic:Animals I am looking for something to kill weeds (mostly between pavers), that will not be harmful to cats. I have tried salt, which was partially successful. Help! Janice By:janice huntington21/10/2002 Replies:1 Latest:07/06/2018 Radicchio Growing Category:VegetablesTopic:Radicchio I've just sowed some Radicchio seeds that someone gave me as a gift but I don't know how to look after them once they have germinated. Anyone got any clues?? By:Fin Wybrose18/10/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Hibiscus seeds Category:SeedsTopic:Advice please I have some seeds which I found in a torn off envelope dated 1959, which I found amongst some items I bought at an auction in Newcastle many years ago. It has Yellow flower African hibiscus written on it and there are 14 seeds. I wondered whether they are a rare variety and if they could be propagated. How would I go about it? It is possible they are from the 1960's. By:Carole04/09/2002 Replies:1 Latest:13/06/2018 Pawpaw dropping fruit Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please I have a young red pawpaw tree (just over 9 months old) which is bisexual. It has heaps of fruit but they get to the size of a hens egg and drop. I nearly cry when I see another one bite the dust! There are no sign of bugs on them. All help would be greatly appreciated. By:Sonja16/08/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Garlic Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please I want to know how to grow garlic?? what weather it grows in and soil?? Pertty much anything on how to get it to grow would be a help thanks By:Jo01/08/2002 Replies:1 Latest:01/06/2018 Pruning Climbing Roses Pruning Climbing Roses Category:RosesTopic:Pruning Can anyone give me advice on how and when I should prune climbing roses? This photo isn't of my rose (its actually in the Botanic Gardens in Hobart) but its very similar. By:Angela10/06/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Grub? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests When re-potting or digging in the soil I keep finding these fat "grubs" up to about 1cm in length, they have a whitish-grey body with an orange-brownish head part. Are they a "bad guy" or a "good guy"? Have they got anything to do with slaters as I have lots of them (complements of mulch!). By:Gill King30/04/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Accidental Spray Damage Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Sick plants 2 My father has accidentally sprayed his lawn with path weedkiller. The grass has died but what does he do now. Does he turn the turf over and reseed the lawn now or will the weedkiller still be present in the ground. Does he need to turn the soil over at all, could he reseed on top of the old grass? Thanks for any help. By:eleanor brown29/04/2002 Replies:2 Latest:20/12/2021 Plant Suggestions Please Category:Pots, Planters & TubsTopic:Advice please We have a patio which is covered by 70% shadecloth along the West side of our house. It is about 10 metres long and we would like suggestions of plants which would provide some display all year round. Could be flowering but foliage at least. We have a Dipladenia which is good but some other species are wanted. They would get sun after noon for a few hours and are sheltered from wind. Thanks for any help. John By:John S16/04/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Calliandra 'Blushing Pixie" Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Advice please I have just bought a Calliandra 'Blushing Pixie' but have been unable to find any information about it. Does anyone know how big it is likely to grow? Are they suitable for pot culture? By:Kerrie06/04/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Tree Fern Shortening Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please I have a very tall tree fern that I wish to shorten as it is at gutter height and suffering from the heat. I wish to know if it will regrow when cut off 75cm from the ground, or must i dig it out and replant the top section only. Can someone also suggest the ideal PH for the above. thanks By:jd29/03/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Crabapple Tree Problems Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Sick plants We planted a crab apple tree last December and it looks less and less well as time goes on. The leaves are curled, some leaves are yellow and the tree appears droopy. The small amount of the fruit on the tree dropped off while still small and green. The tree was around five feet when it was planted. I was told by the nursery that this may be a potassium deficiency but treating with super phosphate hasn't made any difference. By:Angela19/03/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Tennis Court Weeds Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please What can I use to kill weeds on a tennis court and also on a long driveway. I've tried roundup but it just doesn't do the job. The weeds are back in a short time. I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks. By:Rae14/03/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Fruit Drop Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please Can anyone advise me as to why my loaded persimmon trees drops all but a few of its fruit before maturity. Would love to know!!! By:Chale27/02/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Bamboo Ornamental Ginger? Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:General I am after some Striped ornamental ginger, i think the proper name is "costus stenophyllus" or bamboo ginger. Can anyone advise me where to purchase either plants or bulbs in the eastern suburbs, sydney area. thankyou Penny By:Penny10/02/2002 Replies:1 Latest:14/06/2018 Butternut pumpkin Category:VegetablesTopic:Pumpkin Could you please tell me how I know when to pick the pumpkins off the vine. Eric By:Eric19/01/2002 Replies:1 Latest:01/06/2018 Lemon Tree Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon I have a Meyer lemon in a pot. The tree is approx. 45cm high and has masses of flowers and tiny lemons on it. Someone told me I would need to take most of them off. If so how many and when should I do that? Being new to gardening I would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you Christine. By:Christine15/01/2002 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Poplar Alternative Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Poplar I like the look of the poplar tree but as it's roots are invasive can anyone come up with a different species that has similar appearances. It will be planted in a medium sized garden. By:michelle07/01/2002 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Tropical Rainforest Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Advice please I have just moved my dance school into a huge factory area ... the factory has many skylights etc. and I was wanting to turn a corner of it into a garden area with a small water feature etc. I was wondering if anyone could offer advice about what plants would be most suitable and what else I need to consider... I am obviously starting from scratch and am not even sure if it is possible. I am trying to create a nice indoor garden to break the "factory" look. By:Margaret Flanagan02/01/2002 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Rusty Scale on Apricots Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants As a beginner to gardening I am living on a 5 acre property with an orchard of 33 trees. There are four apricot trees and all are under stress from lack of water and neglect. The fruit has a rusty coloured, hard scale on the skin and the fruit is very small. What is causing it and how can I bring the trees back to health. They also need pruning as it has not been done for some years. By:Flossie25/12/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Orange Tree Die-Back Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Orange I have two Orange Trees that I planted 1 year ago. They have died off at the tips of the branches, and all the leaves fell off. The centre of the trees are full of blossoms, and new leaves are forming in the centre of the trees. Can you suggest what could be wrong? By:Judith Kempen24/10/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Wood Fired Outdoor Oven Category:LandscapingTopic:Outdoor Heaters We wish to build a wood fired outdoor oven, the type you see in Spain and Mexico, made of brick and cement rendered (we think) and usually painted white. The oven has a small entrance not unlike a pizza oven, and it would need to have a chimney. What we are after are some plans or guidelines. Has anyone built one? If so a few tips would be appreciated. By:Judith24/10/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Stink Bug Beetle Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests Any suggestions on killing stink bug beatles in my orange tree. By:Lyn24/10/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Wandering Jew Category:WeedsTopic:Advice please I have a rash of what I think is called wandering jew all over my garden - its awful. But when I pull it out it just breaks off and I find than it has put down roots from bits laying on the ground. Its so rampant that I don't know where to start - I cant spray roundup cos it'll kill all the other plants its woven itself into. HELP !! By:Sandy Wierheim19/08/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Passionfruit pruning Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please When should I prune my passionfruit vine and how much can I take off? By:Nerida Taylor13/06/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Using Cottonseed Meal on Roses Category:RosesTopic:Handy Hints I had heard that using cottonseed meal on my roses was a good bet, so I gave it a try. SUCCESS!! They have never looked healthier and are extremely productive. Now I am wondering if I should feed them again. I fed them in late March last and it is now mid-May. What do you reckon? P.S. I live in the USA so my seasons are opposite to yours downunder. By:Phil Bennett21/05/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Pruning of Azaleas Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Azalea ..when is the best time to prune azaleas? I'd like to do it now (May in Sydney), but unsure if I might be cutting back potential buds at this time of year. By:Carole15/05/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Pear Tree Fruit Loss Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please We have recently moved to Canberra. In our backyard we have a pear tree, which at the time of moving in (late Feb) was absolutely loaded with fruit. In early March all the fruit fell off for no apparent reason, the fruit was far from being ripe but was well formed and good colour. Not having much knowledge about fruit trees, could someone offer up some advise on rejuvenating this tree, I would say it has been neglected for sometime. Many Thanks Mark By:Mark Thomson29/04/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Fungus on Cucumber and Zuccinni Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Sick plants I appear to have a fungus on my cucumber plants. What can I do to cure this? Are there any cures or organic remedies? By:Martine10/04/2001 Replies:1 Latest:10/04/2001 Removing Mature Shrubs Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please We are currently planning to plant a hedge at the front of our house. At present the front of our property has a number of mature shrubs which need to be removed. What is the easiest way to remove the shrubs and then what is required to prepare the soil for planting the new hedge. By:NC23/03/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Bulbs in the Fridge Too Long?? Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Planting I have 3 bags of bulbs that have been kept in my fridge for 12 months as my plans for starting a garden were put on hold last year. They are a bit mouldy now. Are they still ok to plant or should I ditch them and buy new ones? By:Sheena Turton14/03/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Silver Birch - Invasive Roots?? Silver Birch - Invasive Roots?? Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Silver birch Are Silver Birch trees able to be planted near drain pipes without fear of blocking them up? By:brett04/03/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Pests in Tomato Crop Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests I think I have Queensland fruit fly in my tomatoes. What do I do to stop further infestation. To watch my first large crop being spoilt is really depressing. By:Merrilie Rowley09/02/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Trimming Hedge of Mock Orange Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Murraya Have just planted a hedge of Mock Orange. I was wondering how soon I can start pruning them? By:Paige09/02/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Pruning Grevilleas Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Grevillea I would like to know if anyone can give me some tips on pruning Grevilleas effectively. I have just started a grevillea garden, with a few different varieties but don't know much about pruning them. Thank you. By:Sandi25/01/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Pool Shade Trees Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Sun/shade Any idea where I could find information on trees and shrubs which work well poolside? I live in Adelaide and am looking for a tree which wont drop leaves and gum resins into a swimming pool. A shade tree with no low branches... any ideas? By:Traci23/01/2001 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Orchid Cactii Supplier? Category:Cactii/SucculentsTopic:General Would appreciate information where I can purchase cuttings or rooted plants of both the Orchid Cacti and Zygocacti. (Schlumbergera). Thanking you - Peter. By:Peter Foley21/11/2000 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 One handed hedge clippers Category:Tools & MachineryTopic:Wanted I am trying to find some electric/batterypowered hedge clippers to operate with one hand. I am a right arm amputee and a very keen gardener, trouble is I can't prune for very long with normal clippers as it strains my hand and arm. I think Black & Decker once had one, has anyone got any ideas ? By:Janine19/11/2000 Replies:1 Latest:15/06/2018 Tropical Feel for my Garden Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Getting started I would appreciate any advice on starting from scratch a palm and fern garden suitable to this area. Names of suitable plants and how quickly they grow would be a great help. We have just had a large area filled in where a pool had been removed and would like to make it tropical looking as we do have a partial view of the ocean and we like the look of tropical plants. Thank you By:Carolyn12/11/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Laying Turf - Preparations Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Can anyone tell me how to prepare the ground for laying turf. I haven't done this before and I have seen the results of other's efforts and they look lumpy. By:L Nielsen30/10/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 What's Eating my Magnolias? Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Pests I have recently planted 2 young magnolia trees and have just noticed that something is eating the leaves and buds. It looks like caterpillar holes in the leaves. What do I do?? By:Christine03/10/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Companion Planting of Vegies Category:VegetablesTopic:Advice please We are starting a vege patch and would like to know which veges you can plant together and which do not "like" each other. I have heard this called companion planting and would appreciate some advice. Thanks. By:Sharron29/09/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Paper Bark Tree Category:Shrubs - nativeTopic:Melaleuca We have a very large paper bark tree , can this be cut back. By:Jenny25/08/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Grape Vine Pruning Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Grape vine I would like information on pruning grapes. By:darren20/08/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Chamomile - Best Variety for Infusions Category:HerbsTopic:Advice please I want to grow chamomile to harvest for a soothing infusion drink. Does anyone know which is the best variety. By:Gwen Williams05/08/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Nasturtiums Category:HerbsTopic:Handy hints I have found Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus) to be very good to eat as well as look at. We often add the leaves and flowers to our salads. They are a bit peppery but very crisp and tasty. I'm told they are full of vitamin C and can also be a good relief for colds. By:Val Glass05/08/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 English Oak Category:Trees - non nativeTopic:Advice please I am a new Australian and love it here, especially all the amazing native plants, many of which I am attempting to grow in my garden. But there is one icon of olde England that I really want to have there too and thats an old oak tree. Do they grow here OK and where can I get one? By:Ben Farnham05/08/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Garden Edging Category:LandscapingTopic:Advice please I am looking for information on how to make good, clean garden edging. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Paul and Anne Schokker By:Paul Schokker28/07/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Possums Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Animals Does anyone have any ideas on how to deter possums for eating all my new plants!? They are stripping them all. Each time I come home from work another plant has been stripped of all it's leaves. If any one has any ideas, can you please email me. thanks Sandi By:Sandi Breakspear23/06/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Balcony Rose Category:RosesTopic:Advice please I live in an apartment block around 500m from the sea. My balcony faces north east and gets sun until around 1pm. I want to grow some roses in pots - can anyone recommend a rose that will take just half a days sunshine and lots of salty breezes. ??? Thanks. By the way, I love your site. By:Derwent Harrison19/06/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Pruning Established Fruit Trees Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Advice please We have bought a place with an established garden and many fruit trees - some of which are now 10-15 m high. Most references for pruning start from when you plant it - does anyone know of a good reference for pruning older fruit trees? By:Judith12/06/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Eradicating Kikuyu Category:Lawns/GroundcoversTopic:Advice please Hi Guys! I have a question about Kikuyu grass... yuk! We have recently bought a 20 yr old house in the Perth Hills. The front lawn was two huge rectangles of thick, deep kikuyu - thicker and deeper over the leech drain, of course. I have killed it off (99.9%) with a systemic spray (3 applications). Now it looks awful and I have discovered how difficult it is to dig it up. (My poor back!) I want to cover this area with low growing, colourful, aromatic, varying texture, natives or hardy ground covers. I can see it in my minds eye. The problem is the dead grass - and you know what kikuyu is like, 12" roots and more, quite likely to rise up from the dead at any time. What can I do instead of digging it all up ? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Thank you. Suey Perth, Western Australia By:Sue B.30/05/2000 Replies:1 Latest:16/06/2018 Lavatera Insect Damage Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers My dwarf lavatera were decimated last summer by leaf and flower eating insects - yet other annuals around were not touched. I hate using chemicals under these circumstances and wondered if there is any organic way to solve the problem - like companion planting. Does anyone have any ideas? By:J.Freeman17/05/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Composting Wood Category:Garden EnvironmentTopic:Composting Could anyone give me advise on how to compost branches? Foliage is no problem but the woody stuff seems to stay around for ever. Is it just a matter of chopping it up small? By:christine07/05/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Camellia Flowers Not Setting Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Camellia Our Camellia regularly produces many many buds but these either fall off before developing into flowers or within a few days of opening. Conditions - semi-shade, damp soil, some clay. Any advice would be appreciated. By:Vernon28/04/2000 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Garden Ponds Category:LandscapingTopic:Watergardens Hi all, New to this site, and looking for info concerning the details of how to build a garden pond for my Mum. She has a small garden approx 3m x 3m in the front of her flat, and she would like to put in a small garden pond. If anyone has any info about this, or if you could direct me to where I can find some info, please. Thanks in advance, Paul. By:Paul Timson-Farrell27/04/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Chipper/Choppers Category:Tools & MachineryTopic:Mulching Does anyone know where to get a really strong Chipper from - I do lots of pruning and like to mulch the result - the green stuff gets chopped up with my mower but I want something a bit stronger for the woody stuff. To tell you the truth I'd really like one of those giant ones on the back of the council trucks that chop up tree prunings - but thats a bit over the top !!! Most of the regular ones are too flimsy. By:A. Crowe26/04/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Lobelia Companion Category:Annuals/PerennialsTopic:Flowers I have found some of the most amazingly deep blue coloured lobelia for by borders but I would like to try contrasting them with something other than Alyssum. Does you have any suggestions? By:Don Waters15/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Fern by the Pool Category:Ferns/Palms/CycadsTopic:Planting I have a native garden and a saltwater pool with natural bushrock surrounds with Photinia and Hakeas providing a screen hedge. I need to fill a gap in the corner and thought a fern would be nice - it is a relatively shady spot. My question is - are ferns salt and/or chlorine tolerant or will the first splash kill it off? By:Bosco15/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Lawn Drainage Category:LandscapingTopic:Soil I've just moved into a house that has an established garden but when it rains it drains very slowly and puddles remain in the lawn for a day or so. I am reluctant to dig it all up in order to put in drainage pipes because it will ruin so much of what exists and take ages to re-establish. Do you have any ideas of a quick fix solution? By:Luba09/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Moving Gladioli Category:Bulbs/Corms/TubersTopic:Planting My glads are not doing too well, I don't think they get enough sunshine so I want to move them. When is the best time to do that? By:Deanne09/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Orange Trumpet Vine ?? Category:Climbers/CreepersTopic:Examples to share I've seen a lot of Orange Trumpet shaped flowers on climbers, especially around the Central Coast region. Someone told me they were called Tecomaria capensis and someone else suggested they might be Pyrostegia venusta - they both seem to have common names like 'Orange Trumpet Vine. By:Ron08/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Bannanas Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Bannanas I would love to grow bannanas in my garden but I believe I live too far south - is it true - do any Sydneyites manage to grow a decent and edible bannana? By:Don Redmond08/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Murraya Pale Leaves Category:Shrubs - non nativeTopic:Murraya I've got a Murraya Paniculata which has been oh so healthy up to now, lovely glossy deep green leaves. Well recently its gone all pale and the new growth is coming through almost creamy coloured - if I didn't know any better I'd say it was a variegata with a bit of albino in it. Can anyone help because I'd hate it to go too far and die - it still looks reasonably lively. By:Debbie07/02/2000 Replies:1 Latest:24/06/2018 Lemon - thick skins Category:Fruit & NutsTopic:Lemon I have a Eureka lemon tree in my garden that is around five years old and a decent size. It produces a lot of fruit most of the year round and they are huge. But here's the problem, they are also very thick skinned and not very juicy. Do you know what to do to get thin skinned and juicy lemons??? By:Vera24/01/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018 Slugs and Beer Slugs and Beer Category:Pest & DiseasesTopic:Handy Hints Its an old trick but it works very well. Place a saucer of beer in the garden and see all the slugs crawl in and then be too inebriated to get out!! Yay, gottem. By:D.Wainright24/01/2000 Melealeuca Revolution Green Category:Trees - nativeTopic:Melaleuca My friend told me that Melaleuca Revolution Green makes a good hedge, but i had also heard elsewhere that Melaleucas, and in fact most natives, go rather woody over time and therefore won't stay thick and lush. what's your advice on this please as I really like the look of the foliage. By:May24/01/2000 Replies:1 Latest:31/05/2018 Treated Pine Category:LandscapingTopic:Treated pine Why do they say that you cannot saw treated pine without voiding the warranty - surely it defeats the purpose of buying timber, doesn't it? By:G. Desmond24/01/2000 Replies:1 Latest:17/06/2018


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