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Bindii (jojo)

Bindii (jojo)



Bindii causes the most problems in lawns because the green fruit have barbed head which stick into the feet of humans and animals. The plants grow flat to the ground in a rosette formation, the leaves are feathery, the flowers and fruit are green and develop in the middle of the rosette. They grow vigorously in winter.


Major problems in lawns


Aim to prevent bindii establishment in the lawn by keeping the lawn dense and healthy.Removal of bindii is best done in late winter(August to early Sept). They can be removed by hand if the area is not too large and the bindii too abundant. Broadleaf herbicide sprays can be used.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern



Perennial - Pteridium aquilinum or P. esculentum. Bracken is a large fern, growing up to one metre high. Ferns have fronds, made up of smaller leaflets with small pinnae (tiny mini-leaves) on them. Bracken grow in large colonies in fields, brushy areas, and woods. They have thick root-like stems, called rhizomes, underground. Rhizomes can grow six feet long, and many fronds may grow from one rhizome. Each rhizome also has tiny, hair-like, black roots on it.


Bracken can grow very densely crowding out and shading other species. It is potentially poisonous to livestock; one can lead to brain damage in horses, pigs and sometimes sheep and the other can cause cancer of the bone marrow and bladder mainly in cattle.


Remove new fronds as they reach the unfurled stage. Slashing the fronds every 4 weeks during spring and summer will gradually weaken the plants.There are herbicides available. A list of recommended chemicals and application techniques can be found in the Industry & Investment NSW publication Noxious and Environmental Weed Control Handbook. For full details on the use pattern of these herbicides, consult the product labels.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Catsear or Flatweed

Catsear or Flatweed



Catsear is a broad-leafed weed, it is sometimes know as the false dandelion. Found often in lawns and beds. It has tooth-like lobed dark green leaves that are covered in fine hairs. The leaves form a prostrate rosette around central taproot. The root has contractile roots which pull the plant back into the soil and make it hard to remove.The flower stems are forked with several yellow flowers, the fruit head consists of a fluffy ball of many seeds each with its own parashute.


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months. Remove by hand, just use a long gardeners knife to dig around the root and pull it out.Use a broadleafed herbicide on lawn.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





This is a broad-leafed scrambling annual. The leaves are quite small, bright green and ovate in shape, the flowers are small and white. It tends to grow well in areas with regular moisture in full sun to part shade, often seen in nursery pots, flower beds and some cultivated crop areas.


It is the host of the Western Flower Thrip which can carry the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus.


Removal by hand where possible. Can be controlled in lawns by mowing.Selective Broad-leafed Herbicide can be used if lawns heavily infested.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Common, fast spreading, broadleaved weed with distinctive three leaflets and globular creamy pom-pom flowers. Clover is a member of the Fabaceae family which means it root can fix nitrogen, it does well in poorly fertilized gardens. It is grown by some vegetable growers between crops to improved the nitrogen levels of the soil between plantings. One method of preventing clovers from taking hold is to make sure your lawn is growing strongly and is well fertilised during the warmer, growing months.


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months.Remove by hand.Use a broadleafed herbicide on lawn.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Creeping Oxalis

Creeping Oxalis



Oxalis stricta is a creeping summer perennial. The leaves are small and tri-foliate. It has a slender taproot and roots at nodes along slightly hairy stems. The flowers of oxalis corniculata are yellow and funnelform in shape, they can be solitary or in clusters at the end of slender stems. The seeds are dispersed by the explosive fruit so it is important to remove plants before the fruit appear. They tolerate most soils and infest all parts of the garden.


Remove by hand. Take care when removing varieties that have stolons to remove all of the rooted sections.Use a systemic herbicide.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Leaves bright shiny green above on upper surface, densely white hairy beneath. The basal leaves are very broad and all stem leaves of similiar size. Flower heads are brown to purple spikes and develop on tall stems 20-60cm in heightIt favours cool moist disturbed areas in the garden, lawns, garden beds and gaps in the paving and nursery pots.


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months. Re-seed bare patches created when weed removed.Remove by hand.Use a systemic broadleafed herbicide on lawns and spot spray on smaller infestations.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Dandelion, or Taraxacum officinale, is a winter perennial with a thick fleshy tap root. Both the leaves and flower stems contain a white milky fluid. The leaves have large serrations which gives the plant its name "Dents de Leon' or lions teeth.The flowers are yellow and the seeds are easily scattered on the wind borne on feathery white hairs. Dandelions spread by both seed and stems from the root.


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months.Remove by hand, just use a long gardeners knife to dig around the root and pull it out.Use a broadleafed herbicide on lawn.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Curly dock, or Rumex crispus, is a winter perennial that has a deep fleshy tap root and the leaves have a wavy appearance on their edges. The flowers are long green spikes which turns reddish brown on maturity. The flower grows 2 - 3 feet in height. They are found in the lawn and flowerbeds


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months.Remove by hand, just use a long gardeners knife to dig around the root and pull it out.Use a broadleafed herbicide on lawn. NOTE MOST CHEMICAL HERBICIDES CAN BE HARMFUL TO OTHER ANIMALS AND HUMANS. USE WITH CARE - READ LABEL AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS





Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. It has yellow daisy like flowers. They can vary in leaf shape (from entire to lobed) and growth height (10-60cm). The common form tends to be low growing, with a branched bushy habit.


Fireweed is a problem in SE New South Wales. It grows well in most soil types that are well drained and lighter textured so can be a problem in garden beds. It is a major problem on farms as it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are toxic to livestock and can cause liver damage particulary in hungry or young stock.


As with all members of the Asteraceae family they produce vast numbers of seeds. The key to controlling Fireweed is to remove the plants before they can produce any seeds. The plants take 6-10 weeks to produce flowers once they have emerged from the ground. It is recommended to wear gloves when removing the weeds by hand. To destroy plants place in black plastic bag and leave in sun before throwing away.

Fishbone Fern

Fishbone Fern



This semi evergreen fern tends to grow on the ground. The fronds can grow to 75cm long and tend to be upright or arching.It reproduces in two ways. It has underground horizontal stems (rhizomes) from which new plants grow and tend to form clumps. It also produces spores and these by wind and water to new areas.Often grown in damper or shady areas of a garden they can spread quite rapidly within the garden and are a problem in many bushland areas.


This plant may be dug out. The roots usually are not deep but form quite dense mats. If it is in dense matted clumps remove the central part of the roots from where the leaves are growing (the crown) with a knife.


Dig them out - it is not too difficult as the roots tend to be quite shallow.





Flickweed (Cardamine hirsuta)is also known as Hairy Bittercress and Hoary Wood Cress. It is easily recognisable in the garden because of the rosette formation of the basal leaves, each leaf is made up of between 1-7 kidney shaped leaflets, its small white flowers and thin vertically pointing seed pods. When touched the ripe seed pods explode flicking the seeds away from the plant. The plant takes only 3-5 weeks from emergence to produce seed.


This weed is a major problem for gardeners and nurseries. Tend to be a problem all year.


As with all annuals the aim is to control them by removing the plants before they have time to set seed. With a very short life cycle - vigilance is the key, plants need to be removed before they produce any seed. Once the seed pods have formed the sensitive nature of the pods means that the pods explode and release seed as the plants are removed.

Lambs Tongue or Plantain

Lambs Tongue or Plantain



Lamb's Tongue (Plantago lanceolata)tends to be a greater problem in lawns. It has broad lanceolate flattened leaves that grow in rosette formation around a flower stems. The flowers are tiny are white or cream in colour they form a cylindrical spike around the stem. Each inflorescence produces huge numbers of seeds which can remain dormant for up to 60 years!! These will grow in full sun and most soil types.


They can be found in most gardens, along roadsides and in pastures.


Remove by hand - make sure that all the root is removed otherwise it will grow back. Do not add to your compost but bag to destroy. Selective herbicides can be used on the lawn.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





In some areas of the world this plant is considered a garden shrub. In Australia they are considered a noxious weed. The grow into a scrambling wood shrub with bright coloured flowers of reds, yellows and pinks, the flowers have a distinct perfume.


Remove seedlings by hand, prune and remove shrubs by hand making sure that all parts of the plant are removed. Mulching can help to prevent growth of lantana seeds.Spray leaves with a non-selective herbicide. Cutback hard and paint herbicide on newly cut branches. Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Milk or Sow Thistle

Milk or Sow Thistle



Milk Thistle (Sonchus oleraceaus) is a member of the Asteraceae family, it is an annual and produces huge numbers of seeds. It is an erect plant with deeply toothed leaves that grow in a spiral formation around the hollow stem. The flowers are yellow and thistle-like, each stem has more than one flower head. The seeds are attached to fluffy cypsela and dispersed by wind, water and soil.


Common in garden beds. Aphids, leaf miners and other pests of ornamental plants live on these whilst there primary hosts are dormant.


As these are annuals it is important to remove the plants before they have time to produce seeds. The seeds can last for up to 8 years so they are harder to control after the seeds have been dispersed. When taking out the plants ensure all the tap root is removed. Chemicals can be used on neglected areas but in the garden setting hand removal should be adequate.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Mouse-eared Chickweed

Mouse-eared Chickweed



Cerastium glomeratumThis is a weed commonly seen in flower beds and vegetable patches. The clusters of white flowers produce lots of seeds which are dispersed by the wind and during any cultivation activities. It has bright green slightly hairy leaves and white terminal flowers in clusters.


Removal by hand before the plant has a chance to produce any seeds. It may take a while but persistence will pay off and you will see a considerable reduction in weeds.If you are clearing a large heavily infested area then a Selective Broad-leafed Herbicide can be used.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Mullumbimby Couch

Mullumbimby Couch



Cyperus brevifolius: These are very difficult weeds to remove from you lawn. They are a narrow leafed weed which means it is unaffected by broad-leafed herbicides. They are a perennial clumping sedge (family Cyperaceae) with shiny green leaves and triangular shaped stems which produce clusters of tiny flowers with, most commonly, three green bracts. They reproduce by seed and their rhizome roots.


Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months.Remove by hand, taking care to remove all the roots as new plants will grow from pieces of root left in the groundUse a selective herbicide for Cyperaceae on lawns.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Nutgrass (Cyperus esculentus) is a member of the Sedge family (Mulumbimby Couch) and is named after the small, nut-like tuber that is part of its rhizomatous roots. It has lighter green, thinner and taller leaves than the rest of your lawn grass so is relatively easy to identify. The stems are also triangular while lawn grasses tend to have circular stems.


This is a noxious weed as it is quite difficult to eradicate completely.


Digging it out is a possible remedy but you have to be diligent to remove all signs of its roots which will leave the lawn looking rather messy for a while as it recovers. the best way is to use a selective weed killer - Amgrow make two - 'SedgeHammer' and 'Paspalum, Nutgrass & Clover'.

Onion Grass

Onion Grass



Onion Grass (Romulea rosea var Australis) is quite different from Onion Weed although both are equally difficult to get rid off. Onion Grass is a perennial with narrow leaves. It looks like grass until you try remove it and find a small brown corm about size of a hazelnut. It has pretty star shaped pink-violet flowers with a yellow centre that flowers between August and November. It spreads very fast, by seed in the air and water or corms and cormlets in the soil.


It tends to be a problem in area of compacted or neglected soil. It is often a problem along grass verges. Onion Grass in poisonous to cattle.


Remove by hand ensuring that the small brown corms are also removed. If in your lawn or grass verge regular cutting will weaken the plants and reduce the opportunity for the plants to flower.There are several selective and non selective herbicides registered to control onion grass. This is not recommended in the domestic situation as the herbicides may not only affect the native plants, the herbicides recommended for use during flowering are likely to have a harmful affect on the bees.

Onion Weed

Onion Weed



Onion weed is sometimes called false garlic because of 'bulblets' that grow around the base of the bulb. Each bulblet can grow into a new plant and removing all them can be very tricky. The leaves can initially be mistaken for the leaves of daffodils but the flowers are quite different, they are white and form in clusters at the top of a single stem


Remove by hand whilst the bulblets are still tightly attached to the main bulb. You'll need t long trowel to open the soil before pulling them out - or the foliage will just snap off, leaving the bulb in the ground. If the onion weed is in your lawn a combination of regularly watering, feeding and mowing of the lawn may help. Always remove the flowers before they have a chance to go to seed. Alternatively you can apply a spot treatment by painting a non selective herbicide like Zero (glyphosate) onto the leaves.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Oxalis (wood sorrel)

Oxalis (wood sorrel)



Sometimes called Shamrock or Creeping Oxalis - a low growing soft leaved (trifoliate leaflets) weed with pretty yellow, purple or white flowers. Very invasive and found in lawns, flowerbeds and pot plants.


Steals nitrogen from neighbouring plants


Remove by hand using a trowel to loosen the soil first, follow the stolons and remove each developing root. Keep lawn healthy and well fed during the warmer months.Use a broadleafed herbicide on lawn. Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.





Paspalum is a tufted perennial grass that grows up to 150 cm. and is often dormant in winter. It grows well in patchy lawn, on roadsides, in orchards, plantations and vineyards.


They can be removed by making sure all the upper plant including the crown has been removed. In lawns improve the health of the lawn by regular water, feeding and mowing. Mowing will not get rid of paspalum but it will encourage a denser lawn making it harder for paspalum to establish. Use a selective spray on lawns and spot spray with a non-selective herbicide on smaller areas.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Petty Surge - Radium Weed - Cancer Weed

Petty Surge - Radium Weed - Cancer Weed



Petty Surge (Euphorbia pelplus) is a shade loving annual weed common is garden beds, roadsides, fields and woodlands. It can grow to about 30cm in length and has small oval shaped leaves alternately along its stem. It has yellow- green flowers from spring to late Autumn The stem contains a milky sap which is currently being studied for the treatment skin cancer, leukaemia, warts and sunspots.


As with all annuals the aim is to control them by removing the plants before they have time to set seed. Once the seed pods have formed the sensitive nature of the pods means that the pods explode and release seed as the plants are removed.

Summer Grass

Summer Grass



Digitaria sanguinalis As the name suggests this annual grass is a problem during summer. It has a vigorous growth habit and spreads up to 1m, new plants developing along the prostrate stems. The flower heads are made up of 3 or more spikelets the seeds will remain dormant until following summer.


The tends to be a problem of lawns but can be found in sunny areas of the garden.


Removal by hand is an option if the area is not too large or heavily infested. On garden beds a thick layer of mulch will help keep the number of weeds down.In lawns unfortunately mowing will not help because of the prostrate stems will not be cut by the mower blades.There are chemical sprays available - your options will depend on your lawn grass type. A pre-emergent spray is recommended this way the plants will die before producing more seeds. Consult your local nursery for advice on the best option for you.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.

Winter Grass

Winter Grass



Wintergrass causes many problems to lawns. The grass grows during winter, produces lots of seed heads and can take over the lawn during winter. In summer it dies off leaving large bare patches to encourage more weeds to establish and places for the wintergrass to grow next season.


Remove by hand. Keep lawn healthy and dense by watering, feeding and mowing.There is a product by Yates the will kill Winter Grass but it can only be used on lawns of couch or buffalo. This should be used in Autumn and Winter while the wintergrass is still developing.Note: Many chemicals sold can be harmful to insects as well as some animals and in some cases, humans. Always read the manufacturers instructions and warnings before you begin and use as directed.