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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/Ephrussi Villa and Gardens

Gardens of the World

Ephrussi Villa and Gardens

Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

Ephrussi Villa and Gardens
House and Gardens of Villa Ephrussi - photo  Pierre Behar Balloide Musical Fountains, Villa Ephrussi - photo Culture Spaces The French Garden, Villa Ephrussi French Garden Villa Ephrussi, Cap Ferrat, France The French Garden, Villa Ephrussi Villa Ephrussi - balconies and steps with views across to Nice Formal garden beds in French Garden - Villa Ephrussi Rosa Eyeconic - Ephrussi Villa and Gardens Cuphea ignea - Fleur cigarette  - Florentine Garden - Ephrussi Florentine Garden Terrace with views of Mediterranean coast- Ephrussi Villa Horseshoe Staircase, Florentine Garden - Ephrussi Villa and Gardens Rosa 'Pierre De Ronsard' Rose Garden - Ephrussi Villa Rose Garden - Ephrussi Gardens - Cap Ferrat Rose Garden, Villa Ephrussi - photo Culture Spaces Hexangonal temple with sweeping views over the gardens - Ephrussi Spanish Garden, Villa Ephrussi The Exotic Garden, Villa Ephrussi The Exotic Garden, Villa Ephrussi Yellow flowers Opuntia sp - Exotic Garden Villa Ephrussi The Japanese Garden, Villa Ephrussi Stone Garden, Villa Ephrussi - summer white Hydrangea in flower. Lavender beds - Provencal Garden - Ephrussi Grevillea longistyla - one of a selection of plants from Australia growing in the Provencal Garden Leucospermum glabrum on of a selection of plants from South Africa growing in the Provencal Garden - Ephrussi

Situated between Nice and Monaco, this rose-coloured villa and its surrounding gardens are located on a rocky promontory with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean on both sides.

It is an extraordinary location but the Baroness de Rothschild had a love of gardens and not just fine furniture and art. 

View from Villa Ephrussi
View from Villa Ephrussi

In the early 1900's she transformed a rocky outcrop into a delightful stroll garden, where the perambulator can wander through a collection of smaller themed spaces, all with a backdrop of the sparkling blue sea or the rose coloured Italian Renaissance style chateau.

Upon her death in 1934 she bequeathed it to the Academie des Beaux-Arts who have since opened it to the public - merci beaucoup.

Villa Ephrussi - French Garden, view from Chateau
Villa Ephrussi - French Garden, view from Chateau

Of the distinct garden spaces the French Garden is the largest and was designed in a formal French manner with well manicured gardens and intensely coloured flower beds on either side of the central path and pond.  

It is classically elegant and spacious and the choreographed water shows that spring from the large pond like a grand aquatic ballet every 20mins never seem to be intrusive as the music choice is particularly good.

Villa Ephrussi - French Garden
Villa Ephrussi - French Garden

Looking across the French Garden from the villa towards the Temple of Love, the Mediterranean can be seen on either side - quite magnificent - do people ever tire of this view ?!

Villa Ephrussi and Bay Villefranche
Villa Ephrussi and Bay Villefranche

Other themed gardens include: 

Spanish Garden: 

Where moorish influence comes to play with cool water channels while high fragrance plants like honeysuckle release their perfume into the pools of shade cast by towering Cypress or gigantic Colocasia leaves.

Villa Ephrussi Spanish Garden
Villa Ephrussi Spanish Garden

Florentine Garden:

Dominated by a large horseshoe, double staircase, this classic Italian garden space utilises plenty of topiarised hedging to complement the architectural elements with Mediterranean plants to soften it.

Villa Ephrussi Florentine Garden
Villa Ephrussi Florentine Garden

Stone Garden:

Shaded by Camphor Laurels and Bay Trees this garden is as much about the carved stone artefacts on display as the plants that soften it like Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendron and Fuchsia.

Villa Ephrussi Stone Garden
Villa Ephrussi Stone Garden

Japanese Garden:

A small, ‘zen’ world has been created by Shigeo Fukuhara with plenty of flowing water, small bridges, stone lanterns and wooden pavilion.  A pond with Koi carp complete the oriental atmosphere.

Japanese Garden
Japanese Garden - photo Ermell

Exotic Garden:

Succulents and giant Cactii abound here, including colourful Aloes, Agave, Yucca and a particularly large Opuntia that produces beautiful yellow blooms.  This was previously named the ‘Mexican Garden’.

Villa Ephrussi Exotic Garden
Villa Ephrussi Exotic Garden

Rose Garden:

These plants are perfectly suited to the climate of the south of France, liking dry, hot summers.  Overlooked by a small hexagonal pergola you can see around 100 varieties of this, the most gorgeous of all plants.

Villa Ephrussi Rose Garden
Villa Ephrussi Rose Garden - Rosa ‘Emera’

Provencal Garden:

Rows of lavender evoke the atmosphere of Gras, the neighbouring small town overlooking the French Riviera where much perfume is made.  Olive and Pine trees provide the shade, so welcome on hot summer visit days.

French Provincial Lavender
French Provincial Lavender - photo Emoke Denes

The Chateau may interest some, but it is the gardens that are the main attraction and well worth a day trip if staying in Nice, Gras or Monaco.



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Getting there

  • 10 kms east of Nice on the main road - a bus is easiest method of transport. 
  • 15kms west of Monaco.
  • Access by the lower cliff road (RD6098). 
  • A free car-park is available on the site.
  • GPS coordinates: latitude 43°6945937 - longitude 7°3292327.


1 Ave Ephrussi de Rothschild, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, 06230, France

Open times

10am to 6pm for most of the year.

10am to 7pm through July and August

November to February it is closed in the morning during weekdays.


Tea Rooms.

Restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating serving light food and refreshments with fabulous views over the Bay de Villefranche.

Entry fees

Adults €14

Children €11

Under 7's - free

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