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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/Dunedin Botanic Garden

Gardens of the World

Dunedin Botanic Garden

Dunedin, New Zealand

Dunedin Botanic Garden
Glasshouse and beautiful borders in full bloom - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Dunedin Botanic Garden Rockeries, water and plants - great combination - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Classic Victorian style glasshouse - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Wonderful views to surrounding countryside - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Intense colour, immaculately manicured. - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden The latitude allows for some great cooler climate plantings - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden NZ is well known for its love of roses. - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Real life colour - photos are not enhanced, it really is like this. - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden Excellent in springtime - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden A gentle walk - photo supplied by Dunedin Botanic Garden

These delightful public gardens were opened in 1863 and as such became New Zealand's first official Botanic Gardens. It was awarded the title of Garden of International Significance and displays more than 6,800 plant species.

The garden covers 28 hectares and has a formal area with rose garden, camelia collection and wonderful herbaceous and perennial borders, a rock garden, Alpine House, Arboretum, Winter Glasshouse and a special feature of over 3,000 rhododendrons. 

Dunedin Botanic Gardens in summer
Dunedin Botanic Gardens in summer

The gardens are also renowned for the NZ native plant collection, especially including many rare and endangered species.

Dunedin Botanic Gardens in spring
Dunedin Botanic Gardens in spring

As per the fashion in the 19th century when these gardens were established, plants are displayed in groupings by continent of origin.

Dunedin Botanic Gardens Rhododendron and Azalea in full bloom
Dunedin Botanic Gardens Rhododendron and Azalea in full bloom

Watch out for the free half hour introductory guided walks through the gardens conducted by one of the many volunteers.


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Getting there


Cnr Great King St & Opoho Rd, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

Open times

Dawn to dusk every day.


Cafe for light food and refreshments.

Winter Garden Glasshouse

Entry fees

Free for everyone.

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