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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Gardens of the World

De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam
The Semi-Circle Garden De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is part of the original plantings of medicinal herbs. The imposing Palm House - De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam Dense jungle in the centre of Amsterdam - De Hortus Botanicus Butterfies in the Glasshouse in early spring - De Hortus Botanicus The Barrel Cactus - Echninocactus grusonii photo taken at De Hortus Botanicus

De Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam was founded in 1638 and is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world. The gardens were initially founded to grow herbs for the local apothecaries and medics. 

In the later 17th and 18th centuries exotic plants were brought to the garden greenhouses by ships of the Dutch East India Company.

De Hortus is located in the centre of Amsterdam and is relatively small at only 1.2 hectares but the greenhouses and gardens are packed with over 4,000 plant species from around the world. 

De Hortus Sycopsis sinensis, early spring colour
De Hortus Sycopsis sinensis, early spring colour

The gardens are informal in design with curved paths and irregular shaped beds and from late spring to early autumn they are full of colour.

The Shippendaal Garden contains examples of the original plants grown in the gardens in 1646.

The Buxus hedge edged beds of the Semi-Circle have been planted to give visitors an overview of the different plant families, their similarities and differences.

There are four greenhouses that can be enjoyed at anytime of the year and on colder winter days provide a welcome respite from the chilly winds.

De Hortus glasshouses
De Hortus glasshouses

The Three-Climate Greenhouse is the largest and newest of the greenhouses. Entry is through the Sub-tropical zone, here there are many plants from South Africa and Australia - including Eucalypts, Callistemons and Ericas to name a few. 

De Hortus - Calliandra
De Hortus - Calliandra

The greenhouse has a treetop walkway that allows visitors to enjoy the tree canopy and view the plants from above.

The next area contains tropical plants, it is much warmer and more humid, the palms, lianas, epiphytes giving the area a humid, jungle feel. 

De Hortus tropical house
De Hortus tropical house
De Hortus Palm House
De Hortus Palm House

The Palm House was built in 1912 and is an imposing yet elegant building. It contains many fine examples of palms and cycads and during the winter months the numbers swell as large pot plants are brought in from the gardens to protect them during the harsh Dutch winter.

The Mexican Greenhouse is quite small but filled with many fascinating succulents including large Barrel cactus.

De Hortus Desert House
De Hortus Desert House

The Butterfly House is also quite small with a high humidity, tropical feel. It contains examples of tropical plants brought back by the Dutch East India Company and are now grown commercially for us to enjoy including coffee, tea, chocolate.

De Hortus Butterfly House
De Hortus Butterfly House

But the real charm here are the profusion of butterflies that live their full life-cycle in this little hot-house, including the bright orange, Flying Dutchman and swarms of other brightly coloured insects.


Every Sunday at 14.00 there are free garden tours. The guides are very knowledgeable and add a new dimension to the gardens. Tour tickets can be collected when you pay for garden entry.

There are other tours and it is worth visiting their website for details of those.

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Getting there

Train: Travel to Amsterdam Central Station and choose metro, tram or bus.
Tram: 14 (direction Flevopark), get off at stop Mr. Visserplein.
Metro: 51, 53 and 54, get off at stop Waterlooplein (take the station’s exit Hortusplantsoen).
Bus: 287 direction Bijlmermeer, get off at stop Artis.


Plantage Middenlaan 2a, Amsterdam, 1018, Netherlands

Open times

The Hortus is open every day from 10:00 – 17:00.
In the summer season it is open until 21:00, on Thursdays and Sundays.

Entry fees

  • Adults: € 12,50
  • Students: € 6,50
  • Kids 5 – 17 year old: € 6,50


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