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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/Broughton Hall

Gardens of the World

Broughton Hall

Jindivik, Australia

Broughton Hall
Broughton Hall Country Garden Broughton Hall Broughton Hall Country Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden - Lapageria rosea alba Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden Broughton Hall Garden, Arisaema candidissimum Broughton Hall Broughton Hall Broughton Hall, Romneya coulteri

The Garden at Broughton Hall was created from scratch from a cow paddock with work starting in 1996 and like all good country gardens, it has taken many years to develop.

Initially a forest of some three hundred Betula Pendula and Betula Nigra were planted in a 2 acre area of lawn at the front of the home. 

The gravel driveway winds elegantly through this dense forest that now completely blocks the view of Broughton Hall from the road until you reach the open area directly in front of the house.

Broughton Hall
Broughton Hall

This simple planting is in direct contrast to the scene that greets the visitor when you walk around to the north side of the home.

With a backdrop of the Tarago Reservoir, a terraced garden of 4 acres cascades down the slope towards the water.

There is a central wide pathway punctuated by many steps leading down through the garden, but each level can also be accessed without using this pathway.

Broughton Hall - aerial
Broughton Hall - aerial

It is heavily planted with an amazing variety of plants which fill the banks with dramatic foliage and colourful blooms that change throughout the seasons.

The formal rose beds are filled with large plantings of well over 1,000 roses and there are also many other areas to be discovered within the garden as the visitor wanders through. 

Broughton Hall Garden
Broughton Hall Garden

This garden really is a delight to visit at any time of the year.

Opening times vary throughout the year to give the visitor a chance to see the garden at its best. 

A good time to visit is from 25th March through to 25th June when it is open from 10am to 4pm

Broughton Hall Nursery
Broughton Hall Nursery

Please contact Muskers Rare Plant Nursery on (03) 5628 5316 or 0417056110 for more details or to visit the nursery which is open most days.



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Getting there


125 Palmer Road, Jindivik, Vic, Australia

Open times

Check their Facebook page for times.  Click here for access.

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