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Home/Inspiration/Gardens Of The World/Abkhazi Garden

Gardens of the World

Abkhazi Garden

Victoria, Canada

Abkhazi Garden
Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden - Molle Rhododendron Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden - Rhododendron Abkhazi Garden - spring bulbs provide plenty of colour Abkhazi Garden Abkhazi Garden - autumn colour

When Georgian prince, Nicholas Abkhazi fled his homeland after world war two, he re-settled in Victoria BC Canada in a relatively modest property of one acre.

But his wife Peggy had ambitions and as they were childless their energies went into building a garden fit for a prince and princess.

Abkhazi Gardens - Victoria, Canada
Abkhazi Gardens - Victoria, Canada

Together, their labour of love produced an extraordinary garden, one that embraces the natural landscape, taking its shape from the underlying rocks, screes and gullies to express something entirely unique.

The couple were passionate about plants and made careful choices to exploit the best of the cool, wet climate while ensuring a visual feast through all seasons of the year.

Abkhazi Gardens

Having spent time in China she was very fond of Rhododendron but knew they needed shade so planted groves of Garry Oaks under which were planted a wide range of Rhododendron species and hybrids designed to provide colour from early January through to June.

Many were prized gifts from local nurserymen and today represent a valuable collection including hybrids named after Nicholas and Peggy.

To complete the woodland paradise feel they also added a wide variety of bulbs and spring flowers including Trillium, Canna, Cyclamen and Lilies along with Bluebells, Daffodils and Tulips. There are also plenty of rock and alpine plants and very fine examples of Japanese Maples and weeping conifers.

Abkhazi Gardens

Emerging from the moist shade of the woodlands, paved paths meander past the old garden shed cum summerhouse and on up to the higher, rocky plateau by the house from which an arresting view unfolds.

The vista includes not just the gardens, but outwards over the immediate lands towards the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Olympic mountains over the border in the USA. It is a wonderful location and they have made the most of this unique little parcel of land to create a world famous garden.

It is a garden full of character and a multitude of facets, each reflecting the beauty of carefully combined plantings. And in Peggy's own words, “The garden is about every passage of life: youth, adolescence, old age, even death.?”

In 1989, after the death of Nicholas, her life long love, Peggy sold the property and it was soon targeted for a housing development but The Land Conservancy of British Columbia intervened in the interests of Canada and garden lovers worldwide and today it is maintained from the income from visitors and many benefactors around the world.

Abkhazi Garden

And although it was undoubtedly a labour of love, a favourite quote of the Canadian princess was .......

“A garden is a perpetual reminder that there are no shortcuts to the important things in life.”

Abkhazi Gardens

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Getting there

Just a ten minute drive out of town


1964 Fairfield Road, Victoria, British Columbia, V8S 1H4, Canada

Open times

Gardens open 11am to 5pm daily through the year. 

Restaurant open 11.30 to 3.30pm 

Daily Mar - Oct 

Thurs to Sun Nov - Feb


Restaurant: Lunch and afternoon tea are available in the living room of original home and on the patio when the weather is fine. 

Disabled Visitors: 80% of garden is accessible by wheelchair

Entry fees

March to October 

  • Adults $10 
  • Senior 60+ $7.50 
  • Students $7.50 
  • Family $25 
  • Children -12 

Free Nov to February - by donation ( recommended $5)




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WendyBrighton, Vic

DanChicago, USA


Web MasterSydney
