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Home/Garden Library/Articles/Keukenhof - a floral extravaganza


Keukenhof - a floral extravaganza

Keukenhof, just a short journey out of Amsterdam, is without doubt one of the world’s greatest annual flower events and it never disappoints, even if there’s an unseasonably cold spring season.   

At Keukenhof this just means that the outdoor growth can be a little retarded, but there’s still a floral extravaganza awaiting visitors inside the many pavilions. 

Keukenhof indoor pavilion

It's a tribute to the huge team of horticulturalists who manage the planning, planting and plant care throughout the year to ensure there is always a veritable floral feast for every visitor from March through to May. 

This is a place dedicated to tulips, in fact it is almost a shrine, but then the humble tulip has probably contributed as much to the Dutch economy as any other commodity over the centuries, so it does, perhaps deserve more than a little reverence. 

Tulipa ‘Dow Jones’
Tulipa ‘Dow Jones’

The refined and intense skills of the horticulturalists are all on display here with a mind boggling array of varieties, many of them stunningly beautiful, especially in the soft light of these huge display greenhouse pavillions.   

Keukenhof Tulipa ‘Strong Gold’
Tulipa ‘Strong Gold’

It is quite amazing how many variations of colour can be coaxed out of the classic vase shaped blooms and every year new varieties appear to delight the eye and boost the export coffers of the growers. 

Keukenhof Tulipa ‘Triple A’
Tulipa ‘Triple A’

Some are perhaps a little extreme, though they clearly aim to please just about everyone.  This weirdly spectacular long stemmed, double flowered variety, ‘Queensland’ is a member of the ‘Fringed Tulips’ group and features finely incised petals and blooms in mid to late spring.

Keukenhof Tulipa Marjolein Bastin
Tulipa ‘Marjolein Bastin’

With over 7 million bulbs planted at Keukenhof every year there are plenty of other spring flowers included.  Daffodils are always the beacon of spring and again, the breeders (mainly from the UK) manage to discover new facets of these vibrant blooms every year.  

Keukenhof Narcissus 'Heamoor'
Narcissus 'Heamoor'

Narcissus is the Daffodil's botanic name and this variety (below) seems to typify why they were given that name.  It's called Narcissus ‘Trepolo’ and it is as if it knows it has ‘got it’ so it’s going to ‘flaunt it’ !! 

Keukenhof Narcissus ‘Trepolo’
Narcissus ‘Trepolo’

All of the other well loved spring flowers are well represented at Keukenhof with some truly fabulous displays of so many different plants.  Outside in the densely packed borders are some of the best - including Crocus.

Keukenhof White Crocus
White Crocus

While the indoor displays of Hyacinth are an assault on both the eyes and nose with its almost overpowering fragrance filling the voluminous marquee pavilions.  All the colours are represented but the blues are perhaps the most outstanding.

Keukenhof - Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Paul Hermann’
Keukenhof - Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Paul Hermann’

But the Dutch do like to remind the world that they can be the best at just about any plant breeding event - so Keukenhof, traditionally known only for spring bulbs has evolved into a showcase of Dutch horticultural expertise.  

And it seems they excel at just about anything they put their minds to. Like Bromeliads.

Keukenhof Aechmea fasciata
Aechmea fasciata

Amaryllis - with some quite enormous blooms on display.

Keukenhof Amaryllis ‘Sweet Star’
Amaryllis ‘Sweet Star’

A collection of Anthurium that perhaps define the word ‘exotic’.

Keukenhof Anthurium andreanum 'Nunzia’
Anthurium andreanum 'Nunzia’
Keukenhof- Paphiopedilum
Paphiopedilum - bred by P.P. Orchideeen of Naaldwijk, Netherlands

And of course Orchids - this Paphiopedilum, or Lady Slipper orchid, being a case in point where the Dutch seemingly now out-do the Americans who originally bred them.

Keukenhof is a showcase of the art and science of horticulture.  If you find yourself in Europe in springtime then you really should make the trip to visit - and it's not just about tulips ! 

It's just a half hour trip to Lisse, down the A4 from Schiphol airport.

Keukenhof's most famous view

You won't regret it.


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